Ch 86: Wavelengths

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Chapter Eighty-Six: Wavelengths


The ship to your old village set sail. Now the only thing separating you from your family was an entire ocean. You sat in the hull of the ship, utilizing your suitcase as a chair. The boat wasn't all that grand, but it was the best you could get on such short notice without blowing your budget.

Your family was an ocean away. Garroth was a wavelength away from meeting them. "We need to be prepared for anything. If my parents want to know how we met-"

"-then we tell them the truth and stretch the details a little," Garroth finished. "There's no need to stress."

You suitcase threatened to roll away, hobbling underneath you when the boat rolled over a wave. "What if they ask you something about me?"

"I already know you pretty well. I'll answer their question and squeeze in how head-over-heels I am for you." He said it so simply that you missed the hint of sincerity to his statement. In fact, that aspect flew entirely over your head due to overthinking every other possible detail.

            "You're going to have to be a darn good actor to convince them of that."

         "Don't worry," he said, "I can pull that off with my eyes closed. You know what? I even think I will." He situated himself on the damp floor and attempted to relax against the wall, almost dozing off.

            "Are you going to sleep?" you asked semi-exasperatedly, abandoning your makeshift chair to crouch in front of Garroth. There was still an entire lesson plan to get through with Garroth before arriving.

He opened his eyes. "You're not? ____, it's like three in the morning."

You were too anxious for sleep. "Yeah, well . . ." you trailed off.

Garroth sat up, leaning closer to you. "Please—get some rest. I want you to take care of yourself." He placed a hand on your shoulder. "I'll find something in my suitcase for you. You can use my clothes as a pillow or something."

How come he cared so much? He started to stand up when you decided to ask about what had been gnawing away at your insides for days. "Why aren't you mad at me?" you asked out of no where, drawing your eyebrows together in confusion.

He stopped unzipping his suitcase halfway through. "What?"

              "I disappeared on you for like a solid week and now I'm dragging you along on a spontaneous trip during ungodly hours." You motioned largely, then busied your hand by placing it against your forehead. "Not to mention, I'm bugging the crap out of you when you deserve to be sleeping. Why don't you hate me?"

               "Because I . . ." He let out his breath, shaking his head and dropping whatever he was going to say next. "You're not bugging me, okay? Don't ever think that. Do you want to keep reviewing for when I meet your parents?"

"I . . ." There was so much to address, but now you were drawing a blank, awestruck. "No, you get some sleep."

"Only if you do, too. Or at least try to, alright?"

             You didn't remember dozing off in the first place, but randomly waking up in a pitch black cabin wasn't as scary as you thought it would've been—especially with the comforting notion of Garroth's shirt blanketed around your shoulders and the sound of his steady breathing a few inches away from your ear.

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