2: Honey

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Hey. Honey-senpai was was requested by tomato_tomatto so...

*Your Pov*
Walking down the hall. Avoiding stares. Blocking out whispers. Holding back tears. Holding back the urge to disappear forever.

You limp to your first and last class of the day.

"(Y/N)?" The teacher called out.

"Here." You grumble out as you walk through the door.

"Late again. What's your excuse this time?" He said with and irritated voice.

"Car accident." You said as you sat in your seat.

You teacher just made a 'tch' noise. "That is enough! I'm sick of all these excuses! I've head almost everything out of you, and now you say a car accident? I'm calling your parents!"

You finally snapped. You can't avoid the stares, block out whispers, hold back tears...

"Oh yeah!?" You said looking up from your desk with tears streaming down your face.

"You thinks it's easy in my life!? Us 'commoners' don't give a shit about what you have to say! I'm done with this!" You stood up running to the door.

"Where do you think your going (Y/N)!?" You teacher yelled after you.

You stopped at the door. Turning to look at him.

"I'm going to visit my parents! Since you don't want me, I'll just go and die and be with the people who care!" You screamed and ran down the hall. Being followed by your best friend svreaming at you to stop, but you didn't care.

'Mother... father... I'll be with you soon!' You said locking yourself in a empty music room. You broke a window and grabbed a shard of glass.

"(Y/N) DON'T DO THIS!!!" Your best friend shouted through the door. You ignored her and put the shard to your heart. You knew you wouldn't be able to push it in yourself so you stood up about to fall forward till the door unlocked.

You looked at the door only to see a group of boys run in with your friend.

"PLEASE-" she started but it was to late. You leaned forward and started to fall.

"OH MY GOD, NOOOOO!!!" She shouted as you felt something sharp penetrate your chest. Your head hit the floor, your best friend was crying her heart out and the only thing you remember after passing out was... Honey-senpai running twards you crying.

"(Y/N)-CHAN WHY!?" He said picking you up and thats when everything went black.

*Mitsukuni's Pov*
I ran into the room to see (Y/N) with a glass shard in her chest.

(Y/N)-CHAN WHY!?" I screamed running twards her I already saw Kyo-chan calling a hospital, Tama-chan was yelling at Kao-chan and Hika-chan to get something to help (Y/N)-chan and Haru-chan was passed out and Takashi was taking (Y/N)'s friend out of the room.

I started to cry.

"(Y/N)... why did you do this?" I said trying to stop the bleeding.

*Time Skip and back to Your Pov*
You felt something fuzzy tickle your nose.
"W-what?" You opened your eyes to a bright light with shadows around you. You thought you actually died and you were seeing your parents but you were wrong.

"Huh?" You mumbled as you tried sitting up but a pain in your chest kept you from doing so.

"GAH!" You yelled holding your chest.

"(Y-Y/N)-CHAN!!! OH MY GOSH I THOUGHT I LOST YOU!!!" Someone said as you were hug-attacked (jumped on) by a small child.

"Mitsukuni. You'll hurt her." Said a tall person who easily grabbed the smaller person off you.

"(Y/N)! OH MY GOD YOUR ALIVE!" You turned to the voice to see a figure.

"May everyone please leave? She lost a ot of blood, we don't want to make her feel over powered, hospital rules." You heard another voice say. You guessed it was a nurse.

You heard foot steps as everyone leaft except for one figure.

"H-Hon... Honey..." You said with a cracked voice, your vision finally clearing and now you could now see everything clearly.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" He asked walking up to you. Your face contorted into a look of confusion.

"W-where Usa?" You said not able get full sentences out.

He just looked at you and smiled. "Usa-chan wants to keep you company!" He said and you now realized why your nose tickled earlier. Honey put Usa-chan in your arms.

"Thank..." you said as your eyes started to close again.

Soon you fell asleep once more.

*Mitsukuni's Pov*
"W-what's happening to (Y/N)-chan!?" I asked as I saw her fall asleep.

"She is just sleeping. She'll be fine." The nurse-lady said before she left the room herself.

"(Y/N)... You should know I still want you in this world... just like Takashi and your best-ist friend, and many more." I said and you just rolled on your side, snuggling into Usa-chan. Some hair falling out of your face as you did so.

"I really, really, like you, (Y/N)-chan." I said and I gave you a kiss on the forehead.

After that I noticed the small smile apper on your face.

"Sweet dreams." I said before leaving to findthe others.

*No ones Pov*

"Yeah! Go Honey-senpai!" Hikaru and Kaoru shouted looking through the hospital security cameras and seeing Honey kiss you.

"You shady twins! Get back here!" Tamaki yelled chasing after them. While Kyoya apologized to the security officer aboit them getting into a Restricted Area.

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