Chapter 1

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"Sold! to Sir Hector for $400,000!" I looked over at my father, but he refused to look at me. How could he? Just to get money. He had other choices. He could have gotten a job at the farm down the road. I could have got a job along with my younger sister, but he refused. Instead he said he was going to sell me, and get good money too. 

I looked out in the crowd still standing on the podium. My sister looked up at me with tears in her eyes. She was the second oldest, at fifteen. She was my best friend.  I looked through the crowd, and my eyes landed on the most gorgeous face I will ever see, William's. He was my boyfriend. I was in love with him. 

"Please, step down." I turned my head to the man helping me down. I think his name was Max. Not really sure. Oh well, it won't matter anyway. I smiled at him or at least tried to. I wasn't sure how it came out on my face. "Idela, don't bother trying to smile. You suck at it completely." I frowned.

"Sorry." I looked away from him towards the man who was waiting to take me. I stopped walking. "I don't want to go. I really don't want to go. Please Max, don't make me!" He gave me a sympathetic look.

"Look, I know you don't want to go, but most girls end up with a really kind man. Who bought you?" I look up at him in disbelief.

"I think it was Sir Hector." Max's body tenses. Oh no that's never a good sign! My breath picked up, and I couldn't think straight. "Max?" He looked down with pity.

"Idela, I am so sorry. Sir Hector is one of the cruelest men in our auction." He tugged on my arm to continue walking, but I refused to walk. He looked at me with a frown. Then, he threw me over his shoulder, and carried me to the car. He threw me in. "Again, I am really sorry. Good luck." I tried to smile, but tears pricked my eyes instead. 

The car began to move, and I was soon rocked to sleep by the car.


Thank you guys so much for reading! I know this chapter was short, but I will try to make the others longer. I hope you enjoy the book. Please comment your opinions on how to better the book. Oh! The addition is Idela.





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