Chapter 5

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It has been a difficult day. My arm has only gotten worse. I think it is infected, of course I don't act as if it bothers me. I don't want them to throw me pity looks or treat me any different. I have had enough pity to last me a life time in just these last few years. 

I miss my siblings and I guess I miss my father too. I also miss my mama too. I haven't been to her grave in about three months, way too long. Alex said we have a job in Boxford, the town I grew up in, in about two days. I am nervous yet excited, because maybe I can see my mama and siblings. I don't dare try to see my father. He will just try to send me back to that awful man.

"Dela, are you listening to me?" I looked down at Alice. I was sitting in a tree next to our camp. It has only been three days since I have decided to become a mercenary. 

"No, I was thinking." She rolled her eyes at me.

"Of course you were. I swear since Alex told us we would be going to Boxford you have been so out of it lately. It's ridiculous!" I gave her a sheepish smile.

"Sorry?" I raised my eyebrows at her, seeing if she would take it as an apology.

"It's fine, anyway, I was saying that when we get there you and I need to get new clothes. We can buy some pants and baggy shirts and then we can wear a corset over the shirt. It looks great and is easy to fight with. We can also buy new weapons." She seemed so excited.

"No, I think I will stick to a skirt instead of pants. That way I can hide weapons underneath my skirt." She smiled at me.

"That is such a good idea, I never thought of that. Can we wear something underneath it so the guys don't see our underwear when we do something?" I laughed at her.

"Well, duh! Unless you're into being kinda incest, then I wouldn't recommend it." She scowled at me, and hit me really hard.

"Oh my god! That is so so gross. Please don't ever say anything like that again." I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"I was kidding! No need to get all dramatic on me, now! God, you can be such a girl!" She huffed.

"I am a girl and need I remind you so are you!" She scowled at me. 

I rolled my eyes, and fell asleep.


We reached Boxford, and went to a shop.

I turned around and grabbed a skirt that goes up a little past my knees, with a little slit. It had multiple layers to the skirt, and it was a dark blue.  I pulled out some coins and tossed them to the sales lady. She smiled at me and bid me farewell. I walked out of the shop with Alice hot on my trails.

"I need to do something before we go meet up with them." I started walking to the herb shack. 

I walked all the way into the back. I haven't been here in a while. Yet I still knew exactly where Madam Gloria would be.

"Idela? What on earth are you doing here, child?" I smiled.

"I need help, I think my shoulder is infected, ma'am." She walked over to her shelf and grabbed a bottle of something. She sat me down.

"Now what on earth have you done? I know for a fact that your father sold you for a good price." I smiled.

"I had to run away. My body couldn't deal with it anymore. I couldn't deal with it anymore. I had to. I need to see my siblings and William. I need to go visit Mama." She smiled and finished wrapping me up.

"I knew you would run. I couldn't be prouder of you." I smiled.

"Thank you, and I love you." I gave her a hug, she hugged me with just as much force.

"I love you too. Oh and William now works at the black smith's as his assistant." I smiled and walked out.

I ran all the way to the blacksmith's. I ran in and saw the worst thing in my entire life. "William?" He looked up and jumped away from my sister. "H-How could you?" 

"Oh my god! Delly? I can explain." I looked him straight in the eyes. I couldn't look at my sister. She knew I loved him. She knew yet here she was sucking his face. He took my silence as a chance to continue. "You were sold. Most people who get sold don't ever come back. I thought you were gone forever. I was heart broken, we both were." I glared at him.

"So, because you were heart broken over me leaving you suck my sister's face?! The two people I trusted most. The only people I thought would always be there for me. The person I gave half of my food to everyday so he didn't starve and the person I gave my freedom for so they could keep theirs, go and suck face. I told you I would come back! You promised that you would at least wait a flipping year, William! It hasn't even been a third of that!" A tear slipped through my eye lashes. I turned to my sister. "And you! You, you, I can't even begin! Just how could you?" I was having a hard time breathing.

"Dell, I'm sorry. He was there for me and it just sort of happened. I like him." I glared at her.

"And I love him! You knew that! I saved you from our father more times than once, and how do you repay me? You hook up with the guy that I was completely in love with. I can never forgive you, Isabella." I whispered the last part. 

"Oh no! Willy she just called me by my real name!" My eyebrows went up. 

"Willy? Wow, that's nice. Isabella, I love you,  but I am going to punch you in the face." I lifted my arm and was about to punch when someone wrapped there arm around my waist and grabbed my arm.

"You don't need to cause a scene, Dela." He huskily whispered in my ear.


Sorry it took so long for a dull update, but I have been real busy with softball and homework. Hope you enjoy the story, Comment, Vote, Follow!


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