Chapter 10

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I hate Jed! I thought as I aimed for the piece of cloth on the tree. I flung the knife I had in my hand at the center. I hit it right where I aimed. I grabbed another knife and tossed it in the air and caught it with the blade in my palm. I took it and threw it with blood dripping off my hand. 

"You should wrap that before it gets infected." I jumped and looked at Alex.

"I don't really care right now." I turned away from him and threw another knife, completing my frowning face in the tree. I walked over and gathered all eight of my knives. I tucked them where they go and turned away from the tree.

"Idela, stop! You are going to hurt yourself." I scoffed.

"Alex, stop acting like you actually care. This is just a job, nothing more. So stop acting like you care. I let you do what you want so return the favor!" I turned around and when I pulled my arm back to fling the knife he grabbed my hand and squeezed. This feeling I only felt for one person erupted in my stomach, and I flipped. 

I grabbed his arm and flipped him making him land on his back. He grunted, but didn't say anything else. I walked away, and got on my horse. I kicked off and started speeding from the camp.

"Dela! Stop! Where are you going!" I sped off, not thinking just doing. I couldn't feel that least not ever again. It's not aloud. It's bad, bad news. Who knows Isabella might come steal this one, too! 

What!?!?! There is no one else! What the hell am I thinking? God, I am so stupid! Why do I always have to act this way! God!

"Dela, wait up!" I turn and look to see Alex riding to catch up to me. I kicked my horse to go faster. 

As my horse sped up, it slipped in the mud, and fell, meaning I fell with it. I landed on my back. My forehead hit a rock in the process of my fall. Ugh! I feel like junk! I reached my hand up and touched my forehead. My fingers came back all bloody. 

"Dela! Are you okay?" I looked up to see Alex jump off his horse and run over to me. "Dela, look at me." I rolled my eyes.

"Alex, I'm fine. My horse just slipped in the mud, no big deal." I went to get up, but he stopped me.

"Dela, stop being a stubborn brat for two seconds, and let me look at you." I clenched my teeth, but didn't put up anymore fight. 

Alex grabbed my chin, and pulled me closer to look at my face. I could see freckles splattered all along his nose and cheeks. I looked in his eyes, and saw him already looking at me in my eyes.

"Dela." He whispered. He started to lean in, but I jumped away and help my horse up.

I rode towards the camp, leaving Alex by himself. He was going to kiss me! I can't believe this! He is such an idiot! I'm such an idiot! There was a small part of me that wanted him to, but I can't let him. I would never let him, right?


Haha! So sorry for not updating in a while! I have been really busy, school just started and I have a lot of hard classes! Haha! Anyway, enjoy!





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