Chapter 7

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"Delly wait!" I continued running through the woods. I couldn't find it in myself to stop. I had to get away from him. 

The man who ruined my life!

The man who hurt my siblings!

The man who haunts my dreams.

He stopped calling my name after a while. I walked back towards the house.I had to say goodbye to them before I left after we finished what we needed to. When I got to the house I slammed open the door. I walked into the livingroom to see William and Isabella making out; completely oblivious to me. I walked into the kitchen.

"Dell? Why are you here? Again." I looked over and saw Ann sitting by the table.

"I had to talk to you guys and say goodbye." I walked over to the sink and filled up a cup of water.

I then started walking back into the living room. I dumped the water over Will and Bell's heads. The both pulled apart and took a deep breath. Then they looked at me and their eyes went wide.

"Della!" They both yelled. I grabbed Bells' arm and started pulling her outside. "Stop! Don't touch me! Idela! Let me go!" She thrashed in my grip, but I didn't let her go. I was going to knock some sense in her. She needed to be reminded of who she was.

I threw her on the ground. She landed with an umf! I gritted my teeth. "Get up without your hands or legs." She laughed at me. Then in one swift motion she rolled over on her back and then jumped up onto her feet. "Well done. Now punch me." 

Everytime she tried I was able to dodge them, easily. Then I punched her right in between her eyes. She fell to the ground. "Get up, now!" I screamed at her. She got up and got in fighting stance again. I kicked my leg and hit her in the gut. She fell down to the ground once again. "Isabella, get the hell up now!" She got up and tried to punch me in the face. I dodged it and hit her in the face instead. She fell down and refused to get up.

"Dela, stop. Please." She asked desperately.

"Get up." She didn't listen. "Get the hell up!" She just layed there and ignored me.

"Idela, knock it off. Leave her be." I turned my head to see William. I scoffed.

"Oh really? Do you honestly think she will better if I don't? She doesn't even remember how to fight, anymore. She can't even get a hit in. She got tired after no more than ten minutes of fighting. She is forgetting who she is, because of you!" I walked over and punched him in the face. He dropped to the ground. I laughed at him, and kicked him in the ribs.

"Idela, that is enough!" Two strong arms wrapped around me, and pulled me back. "Stop!" I quit my thrashing and sagged into Alex's arms. He turned me around and looked into my eyes. "What the hell was that?" I pushed him away.

"Alex, I don't need you telling me what to do. I have my reasons and that's all that matters. My sister and her lover needed to learn a lesson, and that is what I taught them. My sister used to be just as good of as a fighter as I was. Now she can't even get in a hit. William used to never let anything stop us from training. Now they'd rather shove their tongues down each other's throats." He looked at me and smiled.

"Della, I'm sorry. I really am." I rolled my eyes.

"Isabella, if you ever let father hit the girls again, I will personally come back and slit your throat." She gulped.

"Oh, oh, um how did you find out about that?" I laughed.

"Ann, told me. Father practically confirmed it, too." Her eyes grew wide.

"You saw father? Where? When?" I laughed again.

"Oh, he's in the woods near Ma. I took care of him, so he shouldn't bother Ann or the younger ones anytime soon." Her eyes went even wider if possible.

"Oh god, you killed him, didn't you?" I shrugged my shoulder and walked into the house. I went to the playroom and had seven bodies jump on me and make me fall to the ground.

"Delly Jelly!" They all yelled. They were hugging me until I couldn't breath.

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