Chapter 4

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I woke up to soft snoring on the floor next to the bed. I opened my eyes to notice I wasn't in the tiny room we get to sleep in, I was in a nice guest room. I leaned over the side of the bed to look over. I see Alex on the floor with his arm draped over his head. 

I lay back down. He was a true gentlemen and for that I am grateful, but the fact that Sir Hector would do that is horrible. I have to leave. I have to. I think I know how to escape, too. I just have to have enough courage to do it. That was going to be the difficult task in all this.

I took a deep breath. "No! I already had sex with you! Stay away from me!" I yelled as loud as I could. Alex jumped up and looked at me confused. Then the door barged open and in came Sir Hector.

"What is the meaning of this! Idela!" I looked at him.

"I did what you asked I pleasured him last night. I refused to have sex with him again!" His eyes grew furious. I looked over at Alex to see him frowning deeply.  He must be so confused. He slapped me across the face.

"You will do as I ask! If he wanted to have sex with you, you do it in a heart beat, is that clear?" He bellowed.

"No! I refuse to have my body touched like that again unless that someone loves me and I love him!" His face grew redder if possible. His hand landed on my face again. I didn't flinch or whimper.

"You are such a stupid little girl! When will you learn that no man could love you. How could you even expect a man to love you when your own father didn't even love you?!" I started laughing. I couldn't help it.

"My father loved me. He just had nine other children that needed to be taken care of. He also has a dead wife that I am a spitting image of. So don't you dare talk about my father like that!" I saw a vein pulse on his forehead. I got him passed angry.

"Thomas!" Thomas came walking in with a look of disappointment on his face.

"Yes, Sir Hector?" Thomas didn't take his eyes off of him. Not even to look at Alex.

"Take her to Big Joe. I think she needs a reminder how to behave. I thought you were slowly learning, Idela. Clearly I was wrong. Thomas, tell Big Joe to give her triple the lashes. I want her to feel pain, enough to finally make her cry out in agony." Thomas's Jaw dropped.

"Sir Hector, that's sixty lashes. Surely that would kill her." I shook my head at Thomas to shut his trap. He just stared at me with pity in his eyes.

"Do not question me Thomas. Take her down there and relay the message, now!" Thomas made his way towards me and grabbed my arm. He didn't talk the whole way there. He opened up the door to Big Joe's office and threw me in.

"She is to get three times what she normally gets." He turns around and walks out of the room.

"Hey, Joe." He roled his eyes.

"Let's get this done and over with." His voice is as deep a usual.

He grabs my arm and brings me to the torture room. Once we get in there, I elbow him in the face, then I kick him in the nuts. After I do that he is on his knees in tears. I punch him with all my force in the face. He goes unconscious.

I walk over to the table with all the instruments. I lift up my skirt and strap on three knives on each leg, I then grab the saw. I run out of the room and all the way to the stables, using the back entrance. I sneak into the barn. I look around to find that nobody is in there. I walk into the office and search it for anything useful. I find a bow with a quiver full of arrows. I slide the quiver onto my back, and saddle up one of the horses. 

I burst through the doors and run for the woods. I keep running until it's too dark to see, then I just slowly walk. 


It has been two days since I ran away. I hunt for small game and I let Smoke, my horse, feed on grasses and flowers. I stopped to take a break. I had only stopped once since we left. 

A rabbit slowly hops into a small clearing in the woods and I almost let my arrow fly, but someone's arrow already has. I keep my bow pulled back ready to release at any moment. I hear a crunch of a twig behind me and turned around my bow aimed a a young girl around my age. She was in the same position I was in.

"Drop you bow, now!" I laughed at her.

"Oh please! Like I would be that stupid." I hear a crunch behind me.

"I suggest you listen to my sister. You'd have to be a fool not to." I laugh again.

"Still not going to. Why don't you walk in front of me so I can see exactly who I have to kill." He snorts.

"Will do." He walks around me. He had his bow pulled back just like us. "Like I said before, put it down." I smirk.

"Technically, you never said it. Your sister did, but you did not." I roll my eyes.

"I've had enough!" I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder.

"You idiot! Why did you actually shoot her without his order!" The girl yelled at her brother. 

"She was being rude! I think I can handle being yelled at once. She needed to learn no to talk back to a mercenary." I stopped listening to them.

 I grabbed the arrow and broke off the tip and pulled it out of my shoulder to have blood gush out of the wound. I grabbed one of my knives and cut my dress to my knees. I used the cloth to wrap my wound. I had finished and they were still arguing. 

"You moron! Alex will yell at us! Not just you, but me too! We should probably take her to camp with us." I laughed and they both looked at me.

"You actually think I am going to go back to camp with you to talk to your 'boss'" I put air quotes around the word boss.

The boy looks at me. "Didn't I shoot you in the shoulder?" I snort.

"Yup." His face crunches.

"Ew! You pulled it out yourself! That's disgusting!" His sister laughed.

"What is going on here! I send you out to get food and your off joking around with each other. James! Alice!" I look up to see Alex. My jaw drops. "Idela?" My eyes grow wide.

I do the first this that comes to my mind, I grab my bow and run. Sadly I'm not fast enough. James grabs my arm to turn me around, but I punch him in the face. Then I twist his arm behind his back all with my good arm. I shove his face into the ground. "Leave me alone!" Two arms grab me from behind and hold me there. 

"Stop, now." I stop and he let's go. "How are you here?" He looks at me.

"I ran away." Clearly! 


"My legs."

"Idela, stop being stupid and explain. The last time I saw you, you were basically going to your death bed." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, I lied and said that I wouldn't have sex with you again only to anger him, then when they sent me to Big Joe to get a good whipping in, i beat up Big Joe and ran to the stables. Then I ran here on a horse. Then James shot me with an arrow and I bandaged myself up and they argued and here we are now." I look into his eyes.

"Wait! You two had sex!" Alice yells.

"No!" We both shout in unison.

I turn to walk away. "Wait! Do you want to join us?" I look at him.

"Are you asking me to become a mercenary?" He nods his head.

"By the way, how did you learn how to fight?" I looked away.

"My dad was a mercenary and my mom was an assassin before my mom got pregnant with me, then they settled down. Then they taught it all to me and some of my siblings. The other one's were too young to learn before my mom passed." They looked at me. 

"So do you want to stay with us, you clearly have no where to go." 

I took a deep breath, and said "Yes."


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