Chapter 12

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"Velinkice is just a little farther. We have important business to attend while there. We also need to restock our supply. I also think that you all need a break. So as long as we get our job done, you can all have the day off." Alex smiled as he talked, clearly he needed this break as well.

I started to get off my horse but my foot got stuck, and I fell. I just laid there on the ground thinking. About two minutes later a set of boots stopped next to my head. 

"Dela, what on earth are you doing? Why were you getting off your horse?" I let my eyes travel up the pair of legs to see Alex's smiling face.

"I want to walk...but then I then I decided to lay here until I decided to get up." He started laughing at me and pulled me up. 

"Well, let's go, we're at Velinkice." I looked around and let my mouth drop open. It was gorgeous! I don't think I've seen a place as perfect and beautiful as Velinkice. It was magical. All the building were covered in green vines and there were trees everywhere. I looked at Alex and hugged him tight.

"Alex it's so beautiful! I love it here." I looked around and ran off to Maxxie. 


Alex's POV

She just ran off. It seems she always has to run away from me. What's so great about Maxton. I mean he's not even good looking! Not that I swing that way, but I way more attractive than him, yet he has all her attention.

"Staring at her isn't going to help. You need to whoo her, staring doesn't help it. She's been through a lot I doubt she's going to trust very easily." I turned to look at Jed and frowned. 

"I am not staring. I simply looking longer than a glance." I huffed a breath. "Fine, I was staring, but that doesn't concern you at all." I slowly moved my glance away from Jed and back onto Dell. God was she beautiful.

"Alex! How long are we staying here?" I turned to Alice with a frown.

"I was thinking two days, why?" She looked around then back at me.

"The extra people are bringing a bad vibe. I don't think they should be left alone with any of us. They just really creep me out." I nodded my head at what she was made sense.

"Alright, we'll just have to be extra cautious. If anything goes wrong we need to come back together. I mean it. I don't care if you have other plans, if anything goes wrong, we come back together. Go tell your brother that. I need to tell Idela." With that I made my way over to Maxxie and Dela.

"Dela, can I have a word with you?" She nodded her head, but Maxton made no move to leave. "Alone". She looked at Maxton and he rolled his eyes.

"I honestly think that I should be informed in everything. If the five of you know, then the four of us should know." He glared at me.

"I disagree. I am in charge of this group, and if you don't like how I run this, then Please, be my guest and leave. I do not take orders from you, and as long as you are traveling with my group, you take orders from me!" He clenched his jaw, and looked towards Dela.

She looked back to me and sighed. "Maxxie, he's right. He's in charge and what he says goes." I smirked smugly.

"Are you really gonna let him control you like that? Let him make your decisions? Are you just gonna follow him around like that?" She looked over at him, and back at me.

"Maxxie, Alex was kind enough to respect my wishes from the beginning. Then he saved me, then he took me in. He earned my respect, meaning now I need to show him that." Maxton rolled his eyes.

"Really? What about me? Didn't I earn your trust? Respect? Love?" She looked down at the ground.

"Don't bring love into this. Love has a whole different meaning. I love my father, I love Isabella, but I do not respect either of them. For me love does not mean what it means to you. I trust you, but I do not respect you anymore. You have to earn it back, and's not going to be easy. Have you ever heard the term 'The more you lose, the harder it is to gain back.'? Well, that says a lot. You lost a lot from me, and I guarantee you are going to have a very difficult time earning it back." With that she tug on my arm, and pulled me away from the group.

"Alright, Alex. What is it you want?"


Idela's POV

"Alright, Alex. What is it you want?" I might have gone overboard with Max. Alex better have something good to tell me.

"I think that group is up to no good...Including Maxton." There it is! I knew it was hidden in there somewhere.

"I think your wrong, Maxxie would never hurt me on purpose. They know you guys are important to me, so they aren't going to hurt any of us." Max would never.

"Maybe, your right...just keep an eye out, and if anything goes wrong, meet at the church." I smiled. He cared. Alex cares for me, and that meant a lot.


I turned my head towards the noise, but nothing was there. So I looked back at Alex and smiled again. 

It has been one busy day...we finished our job and now we get the rest of the day off. I was planning on spending it with Max. It was nice to have him back. I really did miss him.

"Dells! Come on! We get to spend the day together!" I ran off with Max, just the two of us. We continued to run, we were on the other side of the town now, and there I saw my worst nightmare.

Sir Hector.


Hey Guys! So I really want some feed back! I hope you're enjoying the story!






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