Chapter 16

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So it turns out making a plan for six people to escape isn't as easy as I thought it was going to be. It was going to be a challenge, but I'd except that. I had to or no one would get out and honestly I don't think I could live with myself. I mean it's all my fault that they're stuck here. When I get out, I think I'm going to leave them, so this doesn't happen again...yeah, I'm definitely leaving them.

"Psst! Dela!" I whipped my head towards the doorway to see Alex there. I smiled and ran towards him and hugged him. He immediately stiffened under my touch.

"Oh my god! Alex I am so glad you're okay! I was so worried! Is Jed with you?" I pulled back from him and looked into his eyes, and when I did I felt my stomach drop.

"Jed was sent to Bretton." There was a long pregnant pause, and I was starting to get really worried. "For a death sentence." My stomach dropped and fear consumed my head. That meant that I had even less time to get him free. To get everyone free. So I went with my instinct. 

"Okay, that's okay...I need you to do something for me." He nodded his head, letting me know he was willing. "I need you to go speak with James and Alice and let them know to meet here. Nowhere else, but here in ten minutes." He nodded his head but instead of leaving like I thought he was going to do he bent down and kissed me. 

My mind went blank. My stomach started to tickle. And my lips began to respond, but all too soon I pulled away and smiled at him before turning around and running towards Bretton.

I ran into the room to see Bretton sitting in a chair staring at the floor. Bretton! What was wrong with him? Why was he just sitting there motionless. I walked over to the chair and saw the blood. I looked around the room until my eyes landed on Maxton. He was staring out the window playing with a knife. I looked back and forth between the two of them.

My throat went dry from the realization of what must have happened. "What did you do?" My voice, which was supposed to be strong and full of confidence came out weak and course.

Maxton's gaze shifted to me and he cringed. "You weren't supposed to find out." I glared at him and immediately regained my confidence and strength.

"Are you kidding me! You kill an innocent man and just tell me I wasn't supposed to find out?"

"Deli, this isn't my choice!" Without warning I spit at him.

"He had a family! A wife and five kids! Now they're never going to see him again!" Maxton glared at me.

"I had to do what I thought was right! I overheard what you said the other day! I heard you say you were going to help him escape! I had to do something to stop it! That's my job, Deli!" I walked up to him and slapped him in the face.

"You're a despicable human being and I wish to never see you again!" With that I grabbed a hammer on the table and hit him on the head, which knocked him unconscious. 

I saw Jed laying on the floor in a corner. I walked over to him and bent down next to him and slapped him really hard in the face. He jolted up and looked around. His eyes stopped on Maxton and then went to Bretton. He grimaced in pain.

"Jed, just follow me, okay?" He nodded his head and got up with a moan.

I didn't look at Maxton's body afraid I would break down and start crying at the realization of what I've done, to someone who used to be my best friend. I grabbed a bunch of weapons and ran back to the hall to see everyone there. Jed had also grabbed a bunch of weapons and handed them out.

"Okay, so if you guys follow me, I can get you out of here, but you need to listen to me." Everyone nodded, but Alex looked at me with troubled eyes.

"Where's Bretton?" I grimaced and shook my head.

"Maxton killed him, now we need to leave, let's go." I turned around and ran to the food port. As long as everyone stayed along the edges of the port we should be fine. I continued to walk, and with little trouble we made it to the edge of Hecs property. I smiled and looked behind me to see everyone here, but there was one tiny problem I had five people behind me, meaning there was one extra... 

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