Ch6: He talked

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Enjoy chapter 6 :D


Chapter 6: He talked

It is almost 3 o'clock on a Thursday afternoon, meaning that work is almost done. These past few days has gone by so slowly, maybe because I keep thinking about Harry. I would look at Harry, like always, to see what he is doing. He still sits way on the other side of the class room so I still don't know how he sounds like. When he meets my gaze, he doesn't give me the intense glare anymore. The new look he gives me, his features are relaxed and soft like he might actually smile at me, but he doesn't. He is slowly opening up to me. I want to get to know him, I want to have conversations with him. I don't know why, I am probably very crazy because of that, but I do. And I will try to get that to happen.

Ever since Tuesday, when I come in the morning at 8 o'clock and me and Harry lock eyes, I would wave and smile at him while quietly greeting him. He doesn't respond which I don't mind, I just want to show him that I am friendly. During lunch we had fried rice and chicken. I sat besides Harry again on the sofa but this time I didn't say anything to him. For two days in a row we just ate besides each other in silence. I did that so he can get use to me. So he can know he can trust me since I don't force him to talk. I hope this strategy is working.

Once when the clock turns to 3 o'clock, Harry is almost already outside. I quickly say bye to the kids and to Elizabeth before rushing after him. When I exit the building I see Harry about to get into his car.

"Wait, Harry." I call out as I run towards him. He stops getting inside and looks at me confused. I see his lips moving and I hear a small murmur but I didn't understand. Wait, did he just say something? "Sorry, did you say something?" I quietly ask once I am 2 meters away from him. He looks at me like he is contemplating what to do. He gives a small cough.

"Why aren't you scared of me?" He says quietly.

I freeze while looking at him. He just talked to me. Like Harry Styles just talked to someone other than the kids, Elizabeth, Liam or his family. I am stunned. His voice is low and raspy and he talked so slowly. I gulp knowing I should say something but nothing comes to mind.

"I-I don't know to be honest." I wasn't prepared to be asked that question and I am still trying to figure out the answer myself. Harry looks at me questionably.

Right then I realize why I want to know him, why I am not scared of him. I guess I want to know the real Harry, the Harry when he was with Makayla. I know that Harry is miserable without her and I want to get the real Harry back. The one that smiles, the one that is sociable, the one that is happy. I know he is not happy right now and I am a kind of person that doesn't like people looking sad all the time. And the thing is, I know he wants to be happy, he wants to be the Harry he was more than a year ago, but he is having a hard time to. And I want to help him.

"I-I want to help you." I say nervously while looking in his eyes.

I read off an emotion from Harry's eyes but in a second they turned into rage. His eyebrows furrow and his jaws are tense. I back away from him since he is scaring me. He looks really angry. His nose is flaring and his fits are clenching and unclenching. I keep backing up so I am a few meters away from his car. Harry gets inside his car, slams the door shut, starts up the car and drives off. I stand there shocked. I am speechless. I have no idea what to say or think.

All I know is that I blew my chance of getting him to open up to me.

I take a deep breath and start walking home. I mentally beat myself up. I don't know why he got mad at me.

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