Ch40: Falling

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I'm sorry!! I'm so sorry! But I have an excuse so don't hate me!

So basically I haven't updated in so long because I was so busy! I'm a junior in high school so I have lots of homework, tests and presentations/projects. Plus, you can't forget extra curricular activities... Yeah I had a chem test last week and I studied so hard but I ended up failing (and I have a 93% in the course so...) yeah...damn you stupid-mistakes-that-end-up-effecting-all-of-my-other-work!

But guess what?!?! I GOT TICKETS TO THE BOYS CONCERT IN AUGUST I AM FDLSKAJF IM SO EXCITED AND HAPPY! I got them in school and I screamed and cried and ppl were looking at me weirdly but idgaf ahhhhh!! Finally going to my first concert and I am finally going to see them with my own eyes!!! I can't wait! flksdjf just 234 days to go!

And it's already chapter 40, whaaaaaaaaat? Alreadddyyyyyyyyyyy. Wow anyways I hope the wait is worth it.


Chapter 40: Falling


"I just called Elizabeth." Mum says as we are drinking tea, along with Harry, at the dining table. I just nod my head.

I really don't want to quit my job, I love all the kids there, especially Maddie. But I just don't have the energy. I know I won't do a good job if I continue working there, and I don't want those lovely kids' lives in danger because of me. I would have to be on full alert when I am in that room but everyone knows that I am not capable of that anymore. I would be always dazing off.

Plus mum doesn't want me to be alone anymore. She cried for an hour straight when she found out. Harry had to tell her without me in the same room. I can't stand to even think about what happened. I just want those memories to be forever forgotten so I can stop feeling like shit. But when I did pass by the room they were in, I remember clearly that my mum asked Harry to always be there for me and to never leave my side. Of course he agreed and that made my lip twitch upwards the slightest bit.

"I know you love working there but..." My mum trails off while tears are starting to form in her eyes. I wince. I can't stand people looking sad and hurt!

"Don't want to be late for my appointment." I stand up from the table and put my mug in the sink. I slowly walk over to my mum. "Bye." I give her a small smile.

"Alright, bye sweetie. I love you." She also stands up so she can give me a hug. I hug her back and put my head on her shoulder. I love hugs, they always make me feel loved.

"I love you too." I whisper back. Without another word me and Harry both exit the house and hop into his car.

The incident happened yesterday and today is the first day of my psychotherapy sessions. I would say I am nervous, but I would be lying. To be completely honest, I don't care. I know these sessions will hopefully make me feel better but I really don't want someone to be questioning me about a topic I want to forget.

"We're here." I feel the car stop moving followed by a hand on my knee. "You ready?" Harry reassuringly smiles at me. "No." I say in my head but instead I just nod before climbing out of the car.

Harry grabs my hand and swings our intertwined hands back and forth. He starts skipping and singing horribly to a random song making him look utterly ridiculous. A smile forms on my lips, even though it was a small smile it was truly genuine.

"There's that smile that I love." Harry comments and releases my hand so he could wrap it around my shoulder. Right before we enter the building Harry turns around so he faces me and puts both his hands on my cheeks so I will look him in the eyes. "I know it's hard, Sky, but trust me, things will get better. I can't stand seeing you like this, just please promise me you will co-operate with the doctor and try to get better." Harry practically begs. The thought that my sadness gets Harry sad makes me feel extremely guilty.

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