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I stop spraying my paint when I hear footsteps walking up to me. When I turn, I see a boy, one I've never seen before. He's holding a bag, which seems to be the same as mine; holding spray paint cans.

"Quit staring, babe," he says, then looks to the cement part of the bridge i was painting. The teenaged boy puts his black bag down, unzips it, and takes out blue spray paint. I watch him as he does this, trying to figure out what the hell he thinks he is doing.

"Are you new around here?" I snap at the cocky boy. He turns his head to face me, staring into my pale eyes for just a moment.

"Aw, little girl trying to be tough?" A cold laugh shudders through his body.

"Please, keep talking. It's so amusing that someone with such a low I.Q. can form sentences."

"You know what else is amazing? How much of a bitch you are."

I laugh icily, knowing that I have been called that name more times than I can count. "Cute, but you should come up with something a little more original next time."

The self-admired teen rolls his eyes. A smirk crosses my face as he picks up his backpack, getting ready to leave.

"See you around, baby." I scoff at the nickname I am given. I am nobody's "baby."

Once the annoying adolescent is gone, I continue my graffiti, letting my feelings out onto the concrete bridge.


The next morning, I awaken with back pains stronger than the Lord Himself. And when my eyes opened, I saw nothing but dark sky, causing me to infer that I fell alseep by the bridge last night. Not a big deal, for I know my mother isn't home from her shift at the hospital yet. My siblings and my step-mom will probably assume I slept over at a friends house.

I stand up and stretch, yawning and scratching my half-asleep body. Reaching into my pocket, I grab my phone---and I'm quite amazed that no one stole it---to check the time. 5:50 a.m.. Good, nobody in my house is awake yet.

By the time I make it to home, it's 6:02. Cindy, my step-mother, wakes everyone up at 6:10, so I have perfect timing.

I unlock the front door and trudge up the stairs, not minding if I wake someone. When I reach my room, I throw my bag of paint onto my bed, not caring if it's out in the open.

"What's that bag for?" my brother, Kaleb, asks, scaring the living shit out of me. I spin on my heels and become face to face with my confused older brother, who is home from college for his spring break.

"I stayed over at Ashley's last night," I reply after quickly thinking of this little white lie. Kaleb nods his head and walks away, which hopefully means that he believes me.

After that close encounter, I close my door and start getting ready for school.


At 7:20, I walk down the stairs sporting light wash skinny jeans and and a white cropped cami. It's a warm Spring morning, so I decided not to wear sleeves. My blonde hair is in it's natural straightness, it's length hitting the middle of my back. The freckles on my nose are showing today, for the only makeup I'm wearing is mascara.

Kaylee, my younger sister, is sitting at the breakfast nook, waiting for me to drive her to school.

Kay and I walk to the door and both slip on our shoes, mine being black flip flops, and hers being Damn Daniels. After our shoes are on our feet, we walk outside and into my car.

The ride consists of Kaylee droning on about her friends and me telling her shut up. She is incredibly annoying.

Upon our arrival to school, I see a new black Corvet parked next to my parking spot. Who the fuck is rich in this town?

Kaylee and I get out of the car, each of us going our seperate ways. I head toward my friends, Jack, Nate, and Sam. Right as I get to them, the bell rings, signalling we have to go to our lockers. I frown and walk next to them, their voices absorbed by the crowded chatter in the hallway.

The boys break away from me, going to their individual lockers. I walk alone to my locker, slightly upset I didn't get to talk to my friends about the kid I met last night. But my thoughts fade as I see who's locker is above mine.

"Oh, hey. You're the spicy girl I met last night. Fancy meeting you here."

i like it better when we're wasted ; jgWhere stories live. Discover now