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I ignore Jack for the rest of the period, despite his desperate attempts to get my attention. At the end of the hour, I stand up faster than anyone else in the room, switfly walking to the door without being stopped.

Unfortunately, just as I reach the edge of the hallway, Mr. Gibson yells out to me. "Kerris, the bell doesn't release you, I do. Get back to your seat." I roll my eyes, then walk out the door, tired of everyone's bullshit. I hear Mr. Gibson's sigh just before the door closes behind me. I walk the hallways with the rest of the students--those who's teachers actually release them at the correct time--trying to defuse my anger.

I turn down my hallway, and immediately see someone standing next to my locker. Justin. Groaning internally, I slow my pace towards him. He smiles fakely at me as I arrive at my locker. But before a breath can leave his lips, a voice comes over the loudspeaker.

"Kerris Jettstone please come see Mr. Hickel in the principal's office."

Smirking, I spin my body around and head towards the main office, happy to get out of talking to Justin. I don't know why he wants to talk to me so bad all of the sudden. It's not like he thinks he has a chance of getting me back, he knows that's impossible. I let out my heavy breath as I open the office door.

"Mr. Hickel is waiting, Kerris," the secretary says without even glancing at me. She is used to me being here, and she knows I am well aware of where I am supposed to be going. As I walk down the short office hallway and reach the door plastered with the name "Principal Hickel," I hear someone walk into the office and greet the secretary. I turn my head and wait when I hear the voice of the person. Justin. With my hand lightly sitting on the principal's door, I listen to the conversation in the front of the office.

"... weren't you supposed to talk to her?" Mrs. Hummel asks.

"She's avoiding me. I tried, but she simply won't listen to me. I'm sorry. I have to go to class." They must be talking about me! I think to myself. Who else would be ignoring Justin? Most girls love him. He is pretty easy on the eyes. But what would Mrs. Hummel need to tell me? And why did she need Justin to do it?

I push my thoughts aside and open the principal's door. He smiles grimly at me as I walk in.

"You know the drill, Kerris; one hour detention after school. Now get to class."

I nod and walk back out the door, glad that our meeting went quickly. I walk past the secretary, taking longer time than usual, waiting to see if she'll stop me. She does.

"Kerris," she says, making me stop and turn.

"Yes, Mrs. Polesky?" I slowly move to the front of her desk.

"We have some news for you. Somehow, someway, you have been accepted into the National Honors Society. Your grades are magnificent. But, you can not get any more detentions or suspensions this year, or next year. You will need to complete 10 hours of community service. This will help so much for college, Kerris."

"Is this a joke? I know my grades are good but with all the trouble I get into... this shouldn't be possible. This is great and all, b--"

"Induction is next thursday. Dress nice."

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow your roll there, Mrs. P. I don't have the time for this bullshit. I have stuff to do, places to be. And I'm not the type of person NHS wants."

"Kerris, just give it a try," Mrs. Polesky says, a begging look in her eyes. She truly just wants the best for me.

"I'll... think about it. But I gotta get to class. Can I get a pass?"

The secretary signs me a pass to Mr. Hunter's 4th hour World History. I take it and walk out of the office.

As I meander down the halls, I think of who I could be. Top student, Valedictorian, NHS member of all three years possible, Student Council member, on the prom committee, helping all students to be the best they can be. I remember back to when everything started going to shit, when I got my first detention, when I stopped hanging out with goody-two-shoes Ariana, when my dad left.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Katy's voice ringing down the hallway. "Kerris! I've been looking for you everywhere! Why aren't you in class?"

"Got called down to the office. I have an hour after-school."

"Not too bad." She cracked a smile and threw her arm around my shoulders. "Parents are going out of town this weekend. Party's on for Friday."

"I will happily attend, Ms. Green." We laughed at my posh accent and countinued down the hallway, Katy's bubbly presence making my thoughts drift away.

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