Chapter 8

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Kawhi's P.O.V.

Today's another game. Gotta work hard. I sat over the bed at the hotel room. We're playing the Grizzlies but this is an away game. Jodi couldn't come which makes me pretty sad but I was okay. We traveled all night, today we practice for a couple hours then rest. Then it's game time. Afterwards we had practice. I grabbed my phone and dialed Jodi's number. The line ran for a couple times before she picked up

"Hello" She answered "Hey, you doing okay?" I asked

"Yea of course just cleaning up our room. What about you? Ready for the game today?"

"Yea, I'm gonna head off to practice soon"

"Okay, well text me later"

"Okay Jodi I will"

"Okay, I love you"

I smile to myself "I love you too" I hung up and put the phone next to me on the bed. I stood up and got dressed before I headed to practice. I walked into the gym while most of everyone was already getting some shots in. The media came in with their cameras and phones for interviews. I never really liked to be interviewed. But I would do it anyway if they asked. Pop approached me after I shot a basket

"Hey Kawhi, interview"

I nodded with no expression and made my way to the reporters

"Come on look alive, look excited" Pop threw out at me as he gave a slap to my back. He knew me so well

I made my way to the swarm of reporters as they were shoving their phones and microphones at me. They began to talk at once but I answered the last reporter considering they were the only one I heard

"In the last game what pushed you to get in better shots when you were down so many points?" The female reporter asked

"Uhh definitely just focusing and getting in some shots. Finding my rhythm and working as a team" I responded

"You guys are facing the Grizzlies next. What's gonna be the key to winning the game?" A male reporter asked

"They got good defense going on right now. We just gotta keep focused and have good defense and offense"

"Thank you so much Kawhi" He first female said

I nodded "Thank you" I turned my back and began to walk back onto the floor to get in some shots. By the time I knew it we were about to tip the ball. Tim jumped up and the ball came straight to me. I dribbled it a few times and made my way to our territory. I passed the ball to Tony and I ran to the side of where the basket was facing. I made sure I was behind the three pointer line before Tony passed me the ball and I faked out my defender as he came towards me. I shot the ball and it went straight into the net. I began jogging to the other side of the court

"Kawhi Leonard!" I heard the announcer say as the crows agreed in excitement and screaming

I loved this, playing the sport. This is why I play. The rest of the night wen on great, but we went into overtime. I was tired but I put that behind me and now we're going home with the win. The next day we were going home. I talked to Jodi on the phone for a couple hours. She was alone at home, my mother had been out of town. The next day we were on our back home. Once we made it back I drove home, I was happy. To see her. Even if it was one day I still missed her so much. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach, even though we had been going out for months I still had butterflies every time I saw her. We were meant to have practice in a couple hours

But my heart stopped as I drove into the driveway. The front door was glass and it was broken. It was open too. I automatically feared the worst. Once I turned off the car I opened the door and ran towards the door. I even left the door car open. I stopped when I came to the front door. I stepped on the glass as I opened the door wide. I swallowed hard as I began to walk inside "Jodi?" My voice was crackling. I kept moving through the hall slowly hearing nothing but silence. I kept moving and turned the corner into the room where we kept some things. Horror struck everything inside me. Jodi was there, against the wall on the floor. Blood. I saw blood everywhere. Her face was pale, there was a piece of glass stuck halfway in her stomach.

I stumbled over to her and bent down next to her "Jodi.." I whispered "Oh my god"

She moved her head to me, her eyes were open halfway and her voice was shaky "He... found... me"

"What?" I asked. I didn't want to waste time, I didn't want to call the ambulance either, they wouldn't get here in time. I could see her breath was wildly uneven. Without thinking I picked her up causing her to groan. I quickly made my way to my car and opened the back door. I put her inside and closed the door. I turned on the car and took off in an instant. Once I made it to the hospital I took her into my arms and ran inside

"Someone help her!" I yelled. The nurses ran over to me and brought a gurney

"What happened?" One nurse asked

"I.. I don't know" The nurses put her on the gurney as they strolled her away. I watched as they wheeled her lifeless body away. I blink my eyes a few times and I felt them wet. What the hell just happened?

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