Chapter 14

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Kawhi's P.O.V.

It's been two days. Ever since Jodi and I had that fight. We haven't spoken ever since, and it was killing me. Tonight we've got a game against the Nuggets. Before the game I sat in the locker room on my chair, I moved the chair side to side just staring at the floor. I kept replaying the fight in my head over and over.

"Hey man, you alright?" Danny asked sitting on the chair next to me

I turned to look at him "Yea, I'm good"

"I didn't see Jodi yesterday, or I haven't seen her in a couple days"

I didn't say a word but simply look back down at the ground "Kawhi, what's going on between you two?"

"We broke up" I confessed looking back at him

His face flew open "What? What happened?"

"We got into a fight, she didn't want to tell me about what really happened that night. I mean she's so comfortable to tell you, and Tori and everyone else but me"

"Maybe she's just scared"

I softly scoffed "Scared? I should be the person she talks to, she should feel comfortable talking to me about that"

"Okay, everyone let's head out" Pop came in and clapped his hands

I felt Danny pat my shoulder "Hang in there bro"

I stood up and followed everyone out to warm up

Jodi's P.O.V.

"Ice cream is my new best friend" I said scooping another scoop of ice cream on the spoon and shoving it into my mouth

"Jodi come on, you have to talk to him"

"I can't" I said with a sigh as I shoved another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth. I moved my head to the tv to watch the game. It was second quarter

"Are you seriously going to sit here on the couch eating ice cream and watching the game?"

I nodded "Yea"

She let out an annoyed groan and walked away. I turned my head to the tv as I continued to eat and eat the ice cream. For hours even after the game I stayed sitting on the couch. There was a knock on the door "Tori, someone's at the door"

I heard her walking to the door

Danny's P.O.V.

I waited at the door for someone to answer. Tori opened the door "Hey"

"Please help her. She's been sitting on the couch literally all day"

I nodded and walked in as she closed the door. I noticed Jodi sitting on the couch with her back to me. I walked around the couch and sat next to her "Hey little sis"

She looked at me and slightly smiled "Hey"

She had her legs spread out across the couch. There was barely any room for me to sit down. I grabbed her legs and scooted closer to her and put her legs on top of mine "So, you've been sitting on this couch literally all day"

"Yup, ate probably a gallon of ice cream. It's good"

I sighed "Jodi, you've gotta talk to him"

"I can't. He hates me"

I grabbed her hand "I can guarantee you he doesn't hate you. I spoke to him. He's just hurt"

"So am I"

"Jodi, think about what happened. I mean you wouldn't talk to him about this"

She moved her hand away from mine "Who's side are you on?"

"Nobody's. I'm just trying to help you guys here. So why don't you really tell me the truth"

She exhaled and looked at me "We had this big fight, that's the truth"

I patted her legs "I know, you had a fight about what really happened that night. Why didn't you tell him everything. Who he is"

She shrugged "I don't know I guess I was just embarrassed" She said slouching down into the couch

"Embarrassed? Why would you be embarrassed?"

"I don't know. I mean I almost died and I was in a coma for three months. And that was all because of my crazy ex boyfriend"

"But you know none of that was your fault"

"I know, I should've told him the entire story. But we haven't spoken in a couple days. Maybe it's just completely over"

I scoffed "It's not. You too care about each other, so much. A fight like that won't break you too apart"

"It kind of just did"

"You know what I mean. Just talk about it, call him"

She groaned "I can't, just give me a couple hours"

"It's already like night, Kawhi is probably asleep. But call him first thing tomorrow"

She nodded "Alright"

Jodi's P.O.V.

It had been basically a week. And I hadn't been able to talk to him. I finally got the courage to call him. We were meeting up in the park. I walked up to him with my hands stuffed in my pockets "Hey"

He turned to look at me "Hey" He tried to smile "How have you been?"

"Look Kawhi, I just want to say how sorry I am. I know it's been a couple weeks"

"Yea... Worst couple weeks of my life" He said softly

Okay, way to make me feel worse. I exhaled "I know. Same here. The reason why I didn't tell you, was because I was embarrassed" I said looking down

"Embarrassed? Jodi why would you be embarrassed?"

I shrugged "I don't know. Because I have an ex boyfriend who tried to kill me. Just a complete psycho"

He stepped closer to me "Is that really how you felt? That's why you didn't want to talk to me about it?"

I nodded and looked down "I wanted to tell you. But I don't know, I'm just stupid"

"Hey" He grabbed my hand and picked my chin up with his other "You don't have to be embarrassed, it's me"

"I know. Kawhi I'm so sorry" I could feel the tears beginning to emerge

"Jodi look at me"

I picked up my eyes and looked at him "I love you, I have and I always will. You shouldn't have been embarrassed about that"

"I love you too" I whispered letting one simple test escape

"Promise me, you will never keep anything for me again"

We touched our foreheads together "I promise" Our lips touched and my life once against felt complete

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