Chapter 8

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Who do you guys like so far in the book? Comment your answer! -Mia


Taylors POV

It was dead silent. Kalob was looking at me. Actually it was a death glare.

He broke the silence,"How could you like Grayson and not me?"

"Well, one, you are a player. Two, I found out that you are just a real douche bag. Expecially when I kissed Grayson and we weren't even dating. Why did you get so jealous?" I asked.

"Well... Its just that Taylor... I-I love you!"

"I'm sorry Kalob, but I don't love you."

He started to cry, but then he stopped. He clenched his jaw and fists. Kalob walked out of the room.

I guess all I can do now is take a nap. Before I knew it I fell asleep.

Graysons POV

Ring. Ring.

It was the hospital."Hello,"I said.

"Mr. Dolan? Your friend, Ms. Kapula, has broken her arm. She is fine, but she would like you here with her," the nurse said.

"Okay, I will be there right away."

How did she break her arm? I thought she went back to Jases house to hang out with Allison.

I got into my car and drove to the hospital. I got in anfd talked to the nurse a the front desk. She told me where Taylor was.

Then I saw Kalob. Teary-eyed, but he also looked mad. I just kept walking to Taylors room.

She was sleeping, but I still went and sat in the chair beside her.

"Hey baby girl," I said.

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me. She smiled. I smiled back.

"Now, how did you do this?" I asked.

"It wasn't me. It was Kalob. He was mad that we were dating and he pushed me down. I guess I landed wrong though," she told me.

Why? Fucking Kalob needs to get his shit right. That douche bag hurt my girlfriend. He is going to feel the rath of Grayson soon.

I sighed,"He is a douche bag."

She laughed,"I already figured that out."

I chuckled.

The doctor came in. He said,"I am going to wrap your arm in an actual cast. What color do you want it?"

"Light blue, please," Taylor answered.

The doctor wrapped Taylors arm. "Taylor, you can go home today. But if the cast feels too tight come back right away."

"Okay," she said.

She got up and started to walk out. I followed her.

Kalob wasn't in the waiting room anymore. He must have went home.

I drove Taylor to Jases house.

"Bye baby, text me okay," I said.

She smiled,"Okay thanks for the ride home."

She got out and walked inside the house. How am I so blessed to have this girl?

Taylors POV

I walk into Jases house. Allison was standing in the kitchen staring at my arm.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Long story, short, Kalob pushed me, I broke my arm and now I'm here," I said.

"Why would he do that to my best friend?" She asked herself.

I shrugged and walked up to my room. I opened my door and there was someone staring at me.

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