{2} News & Paparazzi

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Bella's Pov- 

It has been a week since Harry died. Everyone has tried to tell me something about him, but I just ignore them.

I have also been throwing up the past few days. I think it's jusst nerves but I'm just going to make sure.

I was currently sitting in the bathroom waiting for the results of the test.

I started to panic.

What if I am??

It has been five minutes now so I lifted my head up and looked at it.




Thats when I broke down. I collapsed and cried on the floor. I sat there with my knees up to my chest and cried. I felt so weak.

This child will be born with out a father. I can't belive it.

Afteter fifteen minutes of crying I went back into my room, forgetting the pregnacy test that was still in there, and laid down. I decided to sleep alittle.

Harry's Pov-

"Eleanor, stop trying to tell her. just pretend I' m dead 'cause when I get out, I'm going to surprise her." I told El.

"Fine" She huffed.

"Thank you" I replied.

"I'm going to go check on her" She told me heading out the door.

"K, tell me how she is" I said as she left. I thought I should sleep but I couldn't so I just stared at the ceiling.

Eleanor's Pov-

After I left, I headed over to Bella's and Harry's place.

As I walked in, I felt the sudden urge to pee. I went into the bathroom and saw a.................. pregancy test?

It had three positives. That means................. Gasp?!?!

I went into Bella's room were she was sound asleep.

"HOLY CRAP!" I shouted in her ear. She jumped up and clutched her heart. I stared at her.


I cut her off, "crap, there is a child in this room" I told her calmly. She looked around confused.

"Where?" She asked.

"Right there" I pocked her stomach. she groaned and slammed her head down.

"How?!?!" She exclaimed.

"Well, you left this out" I said holding up the test.

"Whatever" She said. "Don't tell anyone! and I mean anyone! not even Louis! got it?"

"Yes" I looked her dead in the eyes.

I actually wanted to tell Harry but I thought it would be best if Bell does it in a month or two.

"Can you come with me to the doctors tomorrow?" She asked me.

"Sure, It would be a great honor!" I said in a posh voice. Bella cracked a smile.

"For now, lets watch a movie" I told her. She nodded and went downstairs to get a movie. When she did, I pulled out my phone and texted Louis.

Ellebaby♥: Hey babe, tell Haz that Bella's fine. I'm going to go somewhere with her tomorrow so I might not answer.
BooBear♥: Ok, He says thanks and where ya goin?
Ellebaby♥: doctors
BooBear♥: Why? are you guys ok?
Ellebaby♥: Oh yeah it's the womans doctor for, you know. Well gtg LOVE YOU!
BooBear♥: luv u too

I put my phone away as Bella came back up with 21 jump street.

In the middle of it I fell asleep.

--------------------Next morning---------

I was awoken by someone puking. I ran into the bathroom and pulled up Bella's hair as she puked. I also rubbed soothing circles on her back.

"Thanks, now get ready we leave in 15" She told me. I walked back into her bedroom and put some clothes on.

15 minutes later we were in the car on the way to the doctors.

"I'm scared" Bella admitted to me.

'Don't be, you'll be ok" I reassured her. soon enough we pulled up to the doctors as I parked the car and walked in with Bella who was shaking.

"Miss Johnson?" A doctor called Bella. She got up and went back.

Bella's Pov-

"this will be cold" The doctor warned me. She squirted green goey stuff on my stomach and put the metal baby detecting thing on. She moved it around and looked at the screen.

"Well, you are pregnant. would you like to know how far along you are?" She asked.

"Yes please" I replied.

"Well your about two weeks. you won't need another ultrasound until your 2 months." She told me. I nodded and thanked her then walked out to El.

"So how'd it go?" She asked eagerly.

"I'm two weeks pregnant" I informed her. Suddenly I heard a CLICK, and I turned around to see a paparazzi standing there smirking.

"Uh-oh" I mutterd.

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