{7} What & Sorry

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Bella's Pov-

I sat in the room with Harry as the doctor came in and said something I dreaded hearing.

"I'm so sorry to do this, but if you don't abort this child, it will kill you," she told me.

"W-what? How will it kill me?" I stuttered. Harry took my hand and squeezed it, though I could tell he was trying not to cry.

"The child will make you bleed strong amounts at a time and can and will cause you to lose much blood." she informed us.

"What'll happen if we don't abort the child?" Harry asked with a crack in his voice.

"They both will die," She said sadly, "I'll give you some time," She said before walking out.

"This isn't fair!" I whimpered. Harry pulled me into his chest as I sobbed. He cried into my shoulder soaking it with his hot tears, but I didn't care. I continued to cry until nothing was left. I pulled out of Harry's embrace and looked at him with red puffy eye's.

"I'm so sorry," I sniffled.

"Why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong," He tried to reassure me.

"We have to kill an innocent child! That's just not fair!" I exclaimed.

"It's either that or you both die! trust me I hate this as much as you do! I just can't lose you again..." He whispered the last part. I started to tear up again. The doctor came back in.

"Do you have a decision?" She asked. Before Harry could say anything I said something I wish I never had to.

"I'll do it now, just get it over with," I said. She smiled sympathetically as Harry stared at me with tears in his eyes.

"Okay we'll get started, I'm so sorry you have to do this, I had doing this I really do," The doctor said with a tear running sown her cheek.

-----------30 Minutes Later-------------------

The child was gone. I couldn't believe I just killed my baby. The doctor had started to tear up while doing it which made me feel even more guilty.

"I can't believe I just killed an innocent child!" I sobbed.

"I know, I'm so sorry love," He said to me.

"Can we not tell the others about this?" I begged.

"Okay, but they'll ask questions," He said hesitantly.

tell them we wanted some alone time," I muttered. Soon there was a knock out the door and in came 6 people.

"How are you doing?" Liam asked.

"Better," I replied trying not t break down in tears.

"Why were you in here for so long?" Niall asked.

"We wanted some alone time," Harry said quickly.

"When can you come home?" Emily asked quietly.

"Now," The doctor said walking in the room with some papers, "Can you please excuse us for a minute?" She asked politely. They all nodded and headed out to the waiting room. The doctor turned towards us.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," She apologized, "If you sign these you can leave now,".

I took the paper from her and filled them out.

------------At Home---------------

"Can we watch a movie?" I asked Harry quietly. He has been quiet ever since we got home. He nodded and we went upstairs into his room. I put in a movie and sat down on his bed and leaned my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my body.

I fell asleep a little after that.

I woke with a jolt. Memory's of what I did yesterday flashed through my mind. I pried Harry's arms off me as I went to the bathroom. I did something I promised I wouldn't do any more. I cut.

I pushed my sleeve up and ran the razor over my skin a few times. When I was done, I rinsed the razor off and set it on the side of the sink. I then took out the first aid kit and cleaned up the cuts. As I put the first aid kit back I bumped the razor and it fell to the floor with a clink.

I bent down to get it but on the way down I banged my nose on the sink. It started to bleed.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I muttered throwing the blade behind the toilet ad I pinched my nose.

Harry's Pov-

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I awoke to Bella saying that. I got up and followed the sound and it led to the bathroom. I slowly walked in and saw one hand pinching her nose with one hand and the other covered with blood.

"What did you do?" I asked grabbing the first aid kit from under the sink. I opened it to see that most of the gauze was gone. But I don't remember using it? I grabbed some tissues and put them on her nose.

"I banged my nose on the sink," She said in a naisly voice. I pinched her nose as she winced in pain.

"How did you bang it?" I retorted.

"Just leave it at I banged it!" She growled. Oh kay then...

"Okay I think it's done bleeding. I'm going to put a band aid on the bruise," I told her. I pulled out a band aid and placed it on her nose.

"Thank you," She said. I nodded as I put the first aid kit back. She walked out of the bathroom as did I. I went back into my room and checked my phone. It was 10:30 and I had to be at the studio in an hour. I went over to Bella's room where she was scrolling through her phone looking at it weirdly.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked. She jumped and the phone flew out of her hands. "Sorry," I apologized.

"What do you need?" She asked.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to come to the studio with me and the boys, El and Em will be there?" I asked hopefully. She nodded and got up to go change.

----------At the studio-------

Eleanor's Pov-

Bella and Harry arrived as Bella came and sat down on the couch they had next to me. She had a band-aid on her nose.

"What happened?" Me and Emily asked at the same time.

"Nothing!" She said harshly. Geez someone peed in her corn flakes...

"Guess what?" Emily asked. I looked at her telling her to continue, "Niall asked me to be his girlfriend!" She exclaimed.

"Congrats!" I told her happily. Finally! I thought.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Bella muttered getting up.

"Whats her problem?" I asked. Emily shrugged.

Bella's Pov-

"Really?" I asked into the receiver.This modeling agency wanted me to model there new clothing.

"Yup really, so hows Friday around 1?" She asked. I nodded forgetting she couldn't see me.

"Yes!" I squealed. I couldn't believe I had a job opportunity! I hate when Harry has to spend his money on me. The lady told me the address then hung up.

Speaking of Harry, I decided I wasn't going to tell him until I know I got the job. I walked out of the bathroom and back to where El and Emily were. I grabbed both their wrists and dragged them into the bathroom.

"What?" They both asked.

"I got a job offer!" I squealed.

"For what?" Emily asked.

"Modeling," I said. They both gasped.

"Congratulations!" El squealed hugging me.

"I'm not going to tell any one else about it until I know I got the job," I told them. They nodded as we continued talking until the boys were done.

"See you girls tomorrow," I whispered to them as we walked out the door.

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