Angel's Wings Part One

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Angel's Wings 

"Daddy, please tell me a bedtime story," Alana pleaded. 

"Okay, I guess I could. But only a small one, "her father's forest green eyes gazed out the window and into the night. She could tell this was going to be a good one. He began in a whisper. 

"Have you ever imagined what it would feel like to fly in the sky, just like the birds? No superpowers; no levitation; just wings." Alana bobbed her head, she was already getting sleepy. 

"I have too. This is the story about a race of people who could do just that. Scientists believe we evolved from monkeys but they are only halfway right. Some people did but there was another type of human. They were men with the souls of a bird. These people were very rare and they tried to stay hidden from the changing world but they were overtaken by the Wingless and slaughtered. Those that survived shed their wings to blend with the Wingless. Only a few know their history and those few do not dare speak of them." The father looked down and saw his six year old daughter fast asleep. She was unconscious before he had really begun, so he was quite confident as he said these next words. 

"We are all that remains of the Winged Ones. We no longer have wings but our hearts fly in our dreams." 

***Alana's Dream*** 

She was surrounded by beauty. All of these people resembled herself and her father. These angels, there was no other word for them, were gently pushing her to the edge of the crowd. She finally made it to the edge and gasped at what she saw. She was at the edge of a 100ft. drop. She tried to turn back into the crowd but they pushed her forward, off the cliff. She started screaming, but then felt a tug near her shoulder blades. It hurt at first but then she relaxed and the pain went away. She looked to her side to see what it was and was shocked to see a wing of pure white with streaks of black glowing gold and deep purple in the fading sun. she stretched her wings and let out a sigh of pure joy. She could fly at last.

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