Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

(Madeline's POV)

I walked through the forest, searching for someone. But I didn't know who.

"Hello?" I said as I lightly pushed a pine tree branch that was covered in snow out of my way. My feet sank deep into the snow banks as I continued to search. The green dress I was wearing was started to get moist from the melting snow, my long blonde hair was falling gracefully down to my sides. I looked up, snow flakes gently falling on my face. I caught one in my hand, and watched as it slowly melted. The water dripped through my fingers and onto the ground next to my feet.

I was home.

I was in Narnia.

I suddenly heard a rustle in the trees, and quickly spun around. I took an arrow out of the sling on my back, and notched it onto my bow. I aimed it at the tree, my lungs heaving up and down quickly as my fear grew.

"Show yourself." I demanded. The tree rustled again.

"Show yourself!" I shouted a little louder. Something wasn't right. I cautiously took a step closer to the moving tree, my boots crunching on the ground. I inhaled and exhaled, trying to slow my heart down. I had to stay calm. The one thing my mother taught me when she was still queen of Narnia, was that the only way to live through an attack of any kind was to stay calm. I took another step.

Big mistake.

"You and your friends will die! They will die by your blade! And then you shall be next!" the voice shouted. I fell onto my hands and knees, shaking in fear.

"Why me!?" I shouted back at the voice. The trees shook, the ground was unstable beneith my now sweaty palms. Screams erupted around me. They were almost inhumane, and it scared me to death. It sounded as if the world was ending. I wanted to wake up. I longed to wake up.

"Wake up, Madi! Wake up!" I shouted at myself. I wanted to escape this nightmare as soon as possible. I needed to wake up. I had to.

The screams around me became louder, and even more horrifying. Fearful tears streamed down my cheeks. I pinched my arm, trying to wake myself up.

"Wake up!" I shouted, pulling on my long hair. The snow suddenly turned to rain, and I felt myself getting soaked from the precipitation as it fell from the sky.

"Madeline!" I heard someone shout. I looked around for the person who had said my name. Peter?

"Peter!" I shouted and stood up. I looked around franticlly for him. I needed him. I knew it was only a dream, but I at least wanted to be near him. I felt safer around him. I still couldn't believe I had the guts to kiss his cheek earlier. That was pure crazieness to me.

"Peter! Where are you!?" I screamed, the tears continuing to fall. I ran through the forest, searching for him. Something in my gut told me he was in danger. In horrible danger. I tripped on a twig as my dress got caught on one of the barbs. I hit the ground hard, my head slamming onto the frozen, icy snow.

"Madeline! Wake up!" Peter shouted again. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. The world around me spun in circles.

"I'm trying!" I whimpered as the world around me began to turn black. Then I saw a flash of light. I reached up towards it.

Then I heard a loud lion roar.


"Aslan! Aslan help!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. It was becoming hard to breath. My head was pounding, and my stomach felt uneasy.

I suddenly stopped breathing.

He had come to help me, to come wake me up. Another loud roar erupted through the air.

"Aslan!" I shouted as I sat up in my bed. I was breathing heavily, sweat covered my forehead, arms, and face. I looked around. Light poored in through the window, it  was morning. Sitting on my bedside was Professor Kirke. He put his hand on my shoulder, fear and concern in his eyes. I was shaking.

"Madeline, are you alright?" he asked me. I just looked at him. I gasped for air, trying to get as much of it as possible in my lungs.

"Where are they?" I asked him, referring to the Pevensies.

"They're just outside that door. They heard you screaming. Lucy ran to get Mrs. Macready and Edmund got me while the other two came in to check on you. They kept shouting at you to wake up, but they couldn't wake you. I ran down here as soon as Edmund came to me. When you started shouted about Aslan, I told the children to leave." the Professor told me. I held my head in my hands, tears dripping down my cheeks and onto the bed sheets.

"I have to go home. The witch isn't going to leave me alone if I don't." I told him. He sighed.

"I know. I understand." he said to me and placed an old wrinkled hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him, a smug grin on his face.

"But you're not leaving. The four of them aren't going to let you." he said to me and chuckled. I couldn't believe he thought this was funny. I nearly died. If I hadn't woken up, I wouldn't have been able to breathe. I would've suffocated.

"Well then it's too bad for them. Because I'm going. I know that the boys think I'm a crazy loon, so it won't be hurting them anyway. I have to go home. Otherwise the witch is going to kill me in my sleep." I spat at him. I got up from my bed and shuffled over to my closet. I opened it, and pulled out my green and turquoise dress that Aslan had let me take from Narnia. I admired the fine white stitched designs on the bottom half of the dress, and the beautiful colors. I looked over at the Professor, who hadn't removed his gaze from me.

"I'm not coming back."

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