Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

(Peter's POV)

I stood there, confused, as she walked away. My heart hurt. Something wasn't right. I decided I would follow her. I wasn't going to let anything bad happen to her, nomatter what. She stopped outside Aslan's tent, and took a deep breath. She looked over at me, knowing that I was watching her. She looked beautiful in the moonlight. My face started to turn red with embarassment. I didn't want her to think I was a stalker or something. I took a step towards her, and she quickly disappeared into Aslan's tent. I felt my heart sink. Why did she not want to talk to me? I thought she had forgiven me, but now what? I heard small sobs coming from Aslan's tent, and I decided to investigate.

"This is going to crush him." I heard Madi say sadly and sniffled. She was crying. My heart ached. I hated it when she cried, that meant she had finally broken. She was always so strong, so if she cried then that meant something was terribly wrong and that she thought she wasn't strong enough to fight it. 'Please don't cry'. I thought to myself as my heart sank in my chest. My heart hurt so bad, I literally wanted to cry.

"I will watch over him, have no fear. And if the plan goes like we thought it would, then you will have had nothing to worry about." I heard the Great and Mighty Aslan say. Madi took a deep breath. Then started to whimper again.

"He doesn't deserve this, he deserves to love someone else. Someone better than me. Someone actually worthy enough to be with him." Madi said. I felt tears begin to form in my eyes and quickly shut them.

"Please stop. Please stop. You're perfect in so many ways, just hearing you say these horrible things about yourself make me want to punch a wall and break into tears all at the same time." I thought to myself.

"Madeline, you underestimate your value." Aslan said as I heard them begin to exit the tent. I quickly hid, and continued to listen in on their conversation.

"I don't underestimate it. I know that all these things about me are true, and I can't change them nomatter how badly I want to." she said. I put my hand over her mouth. Aslan then asked the question that I had been wanting to ask ever since their conversation started.

"Why do you think such things?" he questioned. Madi sighed.

"It's just...I don't feel worthy enough for Peter. I look in the mirror and see all my flaws, and nothing good about me because there IS nothing good about me. I'm ugly, stupid, selfish-" she listed, but was interupted.

"Stop it. You were chosen to be apart of this prophacy for a reason. Your heart is pure, and you know what's right. Thoughs are very good things about you." he said. Madi gasped.

"What do you mean I'm part of the prophacy?" she whispered. Aslan chuckled.

"I'll tell you on our way to the Stone Table, but first..." he trailed off. I heard him call my name. He had known the whole time that I was listening. I slowly moved out of my hiding spot from behind his tent, a small sheepish small on my face. Madi glared at me. I was in trouble.

"I'll leave you two so you can say good bye." he said and walked away. I looked at Madi.

"What do you mean all thoughs things are true? You aren't ugly, you're the most beautiful girl I know. You're not selfish, you sacraficed your own safety countless times so that my family and I would make it here unharmed. You're not stupid, would a stupid person have thought of turning a tree into a bridge so we could cross the river?" I asked her. She looked at the ground. I wrapped one arm around her waist, and lifted her chin up with my other.

"You are going to be a perfect queen." I said to her, and slowly, gently, pressed my lips against her soft, smooth, flawless ones. I could feel that she was shocked, but then she began to kiss me back. She pulled away and layed her head on my chest.

"What did Aslan mean when he said that we would have to say good bye?" I asked her. She sighed.

"The witch needs blood. A sacrafice. Peter, she needs my blood." she whispered sadly. I felt my heart shatter and I grabbed her shoulders. I looked into her eyes, determination flowing with my words as I spoke them. I didn't sound like myself, I sounded like a man trying to protect the woman he's in love with.

"I won't let you. I won't let you go. I'm not going to stand aside and watch you die." I told her. She looked into my eyes with her deep blue ones that I could get lost in forever. She gently shrugged my hands off her shoulders and interwined her fingers with mine. It felt...right. It felt so correct to have her next to me. It was as if we were destined to be together from the very beginning of time. I wouldn't be shocked if that was the case.

"I have to." she said and gently kissed my cheek. I didn't let go of her hands, afraid that if I did I would never get to hold them ever again. They were soft and smooth, like her lips. She noticed that I wouldn't let go, and gave me a sad smile.

"Peter, I'm sorry." she said and slid her hands from my grasp. I just watched her sadly as she began to walk towards Aslan. I could feel my heart tugging in her direction, telling me to go after her. But I couldn't. There was nothing that I could say or do to stop her. When she was determined to do something, nothing could get in her way. But there was something I had to tell her.

"Madi!" I whispered loudly so I could get her attention. She turned around and looked at me, her tears sparkling in the starlight as they gently dripped off her face and onto the ground. I started to walk to her, then sprinted. She did the same. We both held each other for the last time, our tears falling like drops of rain.

"I love you." I whispered in her ear. She smiled sadly and kissed my cheek. Her lips felt perfect when they touched my skin. It broke my heart that after tonight, I would never get to see her again. I would never get to hear her voice, she'd never say my name. I'd never feel her heart beat quicken as I held her close to me. I would never see the sparkle in her beautiful, amazing, sea-blue eyes. Her laughter would never echo around me. Her lips would never touch mine. I'd never get to ask her for her hand in marriage in a few years. She'd never get to be queen of her home kingdom. She'd die young, just for the witch's amusement. I wanted to scream and shout, to make her stay here where she would be safe. I wanted to protect her,  to make her feeled loved. I wanted to erase all the bad things she thought of herself. I wanted her to be mine.

True she'd always be in my heart, but I'd give anything for her to stay with me. Alive. Forever.

What she said to me next made me want to leap with joy, yet sob like a child all at the same time.

"I love you, too." she whispered, and then disappeared into the night.

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