Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

(Peter's POV)

"Peter! Susan! Edmund!" Lucy shouted. I looked over at Susan, fear in both our eyes. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Susan and I ran out of the kitchen and down the hall towards Lucy's voice.

"What's wrong!?"

"Is everything alright!?" Susan and Edmund shouted as we saw Lucy. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and her face was red. I kneeled down next to her and wiped away her tears.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She sniffled .

"It's Madi! We went into the wardrobe, and met Mr. Thomas and went to Narnia! Then she and Mr. Thomas started talking about some prophacy and that she liked you and then we heard wolves and they started chasing us! Mr. Thomas brought me back to the wardrobe, but I'm scared that Madi's in danger!" she said quickly. She took a deep breath and grabbed my hand. She started to drag me down the hall.

"Come on!" she said. I looked over at Susan. Lucy was very shaken up. Susan nodded, telling me that we should do what she says. We all followed her down the hall. We came to a door and she quickly opened it. Once we all were inside, I saw that there was a wardrobe at the very end of the room.

"Hurry!" Lucy said and pulled me towards the wardrobe. She let go of my hand and opened it. She crawled inside.

"Hurry!" she shouted at us. Susan and Ed quickly ran in, and I followed close behind.

"Ow! Susan, you're stepping on my foot!"

"I am not! Someone is shoving me!"

"Ow! Edmund!" I heard them shout as we crowded towards the back of the wardrobe. As we continued to crawl, I noticed that the coats were turning into tree branches. I gasped as we came to a gap between the trees. We walked through, and entered into a magnificent new world. There were snow-covered pine trees and oak trees everywhere. I thick layer of snow covered the ground, and it was lightly falling from the sky as well. Standing before us, giving off a light glow, was a lamp post.

"Lucy...where are we?" Susan asked her. She took a deep breath.

"We're in Narnia." she said and looked around.

"Madi! Madeline! Mr. Thomas!" she shouted. We were in Narnia. Madi really wasn't crazy. Lucy looked around franticlly. Then she stood still.

"I think I know where they are!" Lucy suddenly said and grabbed onto my hand again. But I stopped her.

"Wait." I said to her and grabbed five coats from within the wardrobe. I handed one to Lucy, one to Susan, and one to Ed. I put my own on, and saved the last one for Madeline. The three of us all followed Lucy as we ran through the forest. It had stopped snowing, and the snow was becoming easier to walk through. Lucy was very far ahead of us. We could barely see her brown coat that she was wearing.

"His house should be right..." Lucy said, and then stopped. She was looking at the ground, her jaw hanging open in shock. When the three of us caught up, we stood in shock as well. On the ground before us were small pools of blood. There was also a torn piece of cloth next to the crimsom liquid. Lucy picked it up.

"This is Mr. Thomas' scarf." she said. She handed it to me and I examined the shredded artical of clothing. It was red, but not from the blood. I could tell that before the attack it's color had always been crimson.

"Lucy, I think we should go back." Susan said once she saw all the blood everywhere. Before Susan could say anything more, Lucy started to run again. I stuffed the shredded scarf into one of my coat pockets and ran after her.

"Lucy!" Ed shouted as he started to fall behind. I turned around.

"Come on, Ed!" I shouted back at him. He glared at me and continued to run. The snow crunched beneith my feet as my mind wandered to different places. Madeline wasn't crazy. There really was a witch that was haunting her nightmares. Narnia really was real. So was Mr. Thomas.

Lucy came to a stop and I barely had time to slow down before I could run into her. I understood why she stopped once I got a good glimpse of what was in front of us.

"This is Mr. Thomas' home." she said almost as a whisper. The door was off it's hinges and laying flat on the ground. The snow was littered with specks of blood like it had been a few yards away. Lucy ran to the door, and I followed. As we cautiously walked into the little house, I looked around. It was destroyed. Everything. Plates and china cups were shattered on the kitchen floor, the furniture was torn up and the stuffing that was once inside was now scattered everywhere. Pictures that I asumed had once been hanging on the walls were on the floor, cut and scratched.

"Madi..." Lucy said under her breath as all four of us looked around. I knelt down next to her.

"Lucy, what did Madi say before you came home?" I asked her. She thought for a second.

"Well, she told Mr. Thomas that she would try to distract the wolves long enough for us to escape. She made me promise that I wouldn't come back to Narnia." Lucy said sadly, realizing she had broken her promise to Madi. I put my hand on her shoulder and gave her a sad smile.

"Don't worry, we'll find her." I said to her.

"Um, Peter. You might want to take a look at this." Susan said and pointed to a sign on the wall. I pulled it off and read it out loud so the others could hear. It said that Thomas the Faun was taken away to the queen because of treason, because he was in the company of humans and didn't deliver them to her.

"We need to help him! Don't you see? Madi and I are the humans!" Lucy said. I folded the note and slid it into my pocket next to the torn scarf.

"I'm sorry, Lu. But it's out of our hands." Susan said to Lucy.

"Why should we help him? He's a criminal." Edmund said with distaste. I glared at him.

"We could call the police." Susan suggested.

"But these are the police." I informed her.

"Lucy's right. We can't just stand around and do nothing. Madi's in danger as well. Have we all forgotten about her?" Susan asked defensively.

"Of course we haven't forgotten about her!" I snapped at her. I sighed and sat down on a chair that hadn't been destroyed. I held my head in my hands as I felt everyone gazing at me, shocked by my sudden out burst.

"You really like her, don't you?" Ed asked after a minute of silence. I continued to stare at the floor as I felt Lucy put a hand on my shoulder. Suddenly a bird flew down and into the doorway. It sang, and then 'Psst' us.

"Was that bird talking to us?" Susan asked. We all walked out of the house, and out into the open. Standing before us was a small beaver. I looked down at it and extended my hand.

"Come here. Come here." I said to it. The beaver just stared at me.

"I ain't gonna smell it if that's what you want." it said.

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