Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

“Ohmagawd, did you see the new kid? He is so h-o-t!”

“He’s got this deep, silky voice…. Mmhmmm….I would pay to listen to it.”

“I cannot believe he’s single.”

“Gasp, no way!”

“Yes way! One girl asked him and he said his last girlfriend dumped him.”

“What?! She must’ve had a chemical imbalance if she dumped him.”

“ch’ Yeah.”

This was essentially the conversation between the females of Last Hope High after 3rd hour ended. For Pete’s sake, even the guys were saying how they hope he joins whatever-sports-team they’re on. I never caught his name, but I heard just about everything else about him. This new kid had messy ink-black hair, an olive complexion, and, I assumed, blue eyes because one girl said she ‘almost drowned’ in them.

I had not personally laid eyes upon this praised now-fellow student, but I shrugged it off. I’d see him sooner or later. Right now, I had more important things to worry about, like the soccer ball headed straight towards my face.

                                                     ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

“Great catch, Harmony!”

“Yeah, I almost thought you would ‘a gotten hit in the head when that one came flying towards your goal.”

I thanked my fellow gym classmates then headed for lunch. I was about to leave the gymnasium when I spotted a familiar shadow in the corner, by the window in the wall. I marched over and grabbed the guy by the back his collar then yanked him off of the chair he’d been standing on.

“Really, Salem, you think you can get away with this again?” I asked in a growl.

The shadowwalker gave a confident smirk. No matter what the situation, you could count on Salem to give you a smirk, whether it was appropriate or not. I’d known this guy my entire life; despite his cocky, confident outside, he was still the sweet little boy I used to play with. Over the years, Salem's appearance hadn't changed much; he still had his black hair that fell into his forest green eyes and his almost-as-tall-as-me height, but as he grew, his lank build was filled in with slim, trim muscles. Many would call him hot, many more would call him too confident for his own good. His mother, to this day, still insists that he likes me because he didn’t push me back in Kindergarten. Honestly, it was the other way around. Him liking me? Pffft, yeah right, the only reason why he treated me differently was because I actually pushed him back when he shoved me.

Or is it?

Shut up stupid voice!

“Hey, Harms, it’s not like I saw anything,” he said smoothly, bringing me back to earth. “After all, there’s no point in looking at human girls, the only one I was hoping to catch a glimpse of was you.”

“Pervert,” I spat as I let go of his collar; he fell to the ground with a dull thump. The black haired boy rubbed his sore behind while I marched away, muttering, “Stupid humans, building a window by the locker room. ‘It’s to let in light’ they say. Yeah right, what teenage boy came up with that excuse? It’s not like you couldn’t just push a chair over to it and peer in…” Which is what I caught Salem doing. Again. The little 15 year old punk had a track record of doing this, and I’d caught him every time. Sometimes, I didn’t think he even tried when his Shadow-cloak, or the layer of magic that made him appear invisible, was so thin. Then again, that’s usually what you get when you have magical twins, half the power. Speaking of twins…..

“Where’s your sister?” I turned around to see the answer in my face. A petite, glowing white figure with platinum blonde hair was helping Salem up.

“Bethy, it’s nice to see you.”

“It’s good to see you, too, Harm-Harm,” the seven year old ghost said and gave a blinding smile.

My smile fell a bit. I still held myself partially responsible for Bethlehem’s death because I was the eldest of the group. Even now, years after the night I had stayed over at their house, I still felt that I was in charge of the light-and-dark duo, responsible for them. Bethy still insisted that it wasn’t my fault; they had knocked me out, so I couldn’t be held responsible for the two of them being kidnapped by black market traders, humans who sold young supernaturals to the highest bidder. Although Sylvia and her team had been able to rescue Salem, time had run out for Bethy. I’ll spare you the grisly details, but let’s just say that the whack-job scientist that got ahold of her wanted to see all of her: insides included.

Bethy gave me a small, sad smile, as if she knew what I’d been thinking. “Sorry about my brother,” she said, “I tried to get him to- ”

“Ahh, forget it Bethy, it’s my fault, don’t take it upon yourself,” Salem glanced at the clock. “I guess we should be heading to lunch about now.”

"I bet I'll get there before you!" With that, Bethy dashed ahead to the lunch room. Salem smiled as he shook his head, then started off towards the cafeteria.

He made it all of two feet before I grabbed him by the shoulder and leaned in to whisper, “This is your last warning. If I catch you doing it again, your butt won’t be the only thing that’s hurt.”

He never listened to my warnings, but instead tests me; but today, it felt different. He smirked, a lusty glint in his eyes. He leaned into my ear, his breath tickling me as he whispered, “Oh, so you like it rough? If you wanted me so badly, all you had to do was ask."

I flushed. Ok, yeah, a time or two I'd dreamt about it, but what was I, an angel? And for him to say I was the one constanly wanting him? Although true, the little punk went too far. “WHAT!? You little asswad!! I’m gonna kick your--”

I couldn’t speak anymore; he had planted his lips on mine.


A/N: Another chapter done! I know these first couple chapters are slow, but it's only to introduce everything, it'll pick up soon, I promise. So, how was the chapter? Good? Bad? Comments and criticism are always appreciated. Next chapter should be out on Friday or Saturday.

10-15-11 ~ Sorry, but the next chapter won't be up until Wednesday because my science teacher surprised us with an essay this week >~<.

10-18-11 ~ Added in a few lines to make it connect better with the next chapter, which will be out tomorrow.

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