Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

“Harm-ony! My dearest chi-ld, your break-fast is getting cold!”

I cursed into my pillow about how illogical it was to start school before the sun even rose out of its slumber. I wonder what that dream was about, why were those two running from her mom? And how could Sylvia sing at a time like – what time is it? – 5:46 in the morning?! Oh crap, I’m gonna be late for my Spanish test 1st hour! I sprung out of bed as if I’d been shot from a canon while chanting a quick spell. Before me feet even touched the floor, I was fully dressed and my blond curls were done up in a ponytail. I already had on all my rings and bracelets because they were specially made to keep my powers in check. I grabbed my bag, hopefully my homework was in there, and ran down the stairs, taking them two at a time. Unfortunately, this was not my lucky day, ‘cause I tripped. I stood slowly and grimaced. I bent to grab my bag again but all I caught hold of was thin air. “What the…?”

I glanced down to see a pair of mahogany eyes filled with a need for attention. Obviously, Sylvia hadn’t played with her familiar in a while if he was coming to me for affection.

“Sorry, Brimmy, but not right now.”

The hellhound’s ears drooped with disappointment, but he let go of my bag. I ruffled his gray fur then ran to the kitchen. Huh, that was odd, usually Sylvia had a fire going in the hearth at this time in the morning. Oh well, we must have run out of wood or something. I snatched up two waffles once I reached the kitchen, probably Sylvia’s breakfast, and ran to the door, hoping I could make my escape before –

“What, you’re leaving without saying good-bye?!” Sylvia sobbed as she glomped onto me. I sighed. That’s why there was no fire; Sylvia must have worked late last night, judging by the circles under usually bright green eyes. Her pin straight strawberry blonde hair was also worse for wear, it must have been quite the hunt. Sylvia always overworked herself when her SPF (Supernatural Police Force) squad has been assigned a case, especially when the one they were to arrest was suspected in at least 5 human murders. She must have gotten home no more than an hour ago, her uniform was still on, and that meant she hadn’t gotten any sleep. The thing about Sylvia was when she didn’t get any sleep, she was out of it. Now, when I say ‘out of it’, I don’t mean she’s dozing off every 12 seconds or her going around calling everyone her ‘bestest friend’, I mean she will purposefully drive her car into a river and hum ‘Ode to Joy’ as it’s sinking or decide to write a letter to Congress to demand equal job opportunities for people of the supernatural races (BTW, humans don’t know we exist!).

“Sylvia, now’s not the best time for one of your mood-swings,” I said as I tried to squirm out of her grip.

“But you didn’t say bye-bye!” she wailed as she tightened her grip. “You don’t love me anymore, do you? You know I love you with all my heart, don’t you? Don’t you?!” she started in a whine and ended in a shriek.

I sighed. The best way to deal with Sylvia when she was in the ‘loving/unloved’ mood was to return the affection….. until you could reach one of her pressure points to knock her out and run as far away as you can get. The only good thing about Sylvia in this state was she could not remember that I said and did the same things every time she was like this.

I wrapped my arms around her middle and gave her a tender hug. “I know, mommy, and I love you with more than all my heart,” I said in a cutesy little two-year old voice.

Sylvia’s eyes got blurry as she hugged me tighter and leaned her head against mine. “My dear little angel,” she whispered.

My eyes widened. In all the years that I could remember, she barely called me by my name; it was always ‘young one’, ‘child’, or ‘daughter’, but she’d never called me ‘angel’ before.

Not now, a voice in my head said. Right now you’re late.

I glanced at the clock behind Sylvia’s head. Crap, it’s already 5:59! I’m gonna miss the bus!

Sylvia was still cooing to me about how sweet and wonderful I was when I raised my hand and gently struck where her neck met her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered shut and she went limp in my arms.

“Sorry, Sylvia, but now’s not the best time.” I set her down on the couch and quickly covered her with a blanket. When she woke up, she’d think she had just decided to take a nap after she got home from work.

As I was running out the door of my stout 2-story brick house, I saw the chubby yellow bus crawl down the street, away from my house. I cursed silently to myself. What was up with today?! Did everything have to go the wrong way?! Just ‘cause I was turning 16, the world decided to turn upside down. Oh well, oh well, Harms, calm down, you can think this through, what was the incantation for the transportation spell?

I slowly recited the spell, clearly picturing the place I wanted to go: the 3rd stall in the girl’s restroom on the 1st floor ‘cause it was out of order and no one would see me ‘poof’ into school. After I finished the spell, I opened my eyes to see the flash of green from the spell fading, allowing me to see the mops and brooms that lined the walls of this dark room. Wait – mops and brooms? - oh man, that’s just perfect. Could this day get any worse?!

A figure in the darkness turned around and said in a surprised whisper, “Who are you and how the hell did you get in here?!”


A/N: So, what do you think? Do you like it? Hate it?Do you want me to write more?

Tell me. Comments and criticism are very much appreciated. Thanks!

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