Chapter 4

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For the wonderful new cover. Thanks again!

Chapter 4

Mr. Malonei, my Adv. World History teacher, was droning on and on about Aztec culture: what they ate, who they fought, etc. Normally, I would be scribbling down notes on anything that would pop out as my mind drifted along in wonderland, but today was different; if I picked up my pencil, I’m fairly sure I would snap it in two. Why am I so on edge you ask? Well, it might have a little something to do with the happenings before lunch.


My second thought, cause my first was just ‘What is going on!?’, was ‘Oh jeez, what the hex do I do!?!’

Kiss him back.

You stupid voice!! How could I do that? I mean sure, I’ve always liked him but – Oh crap, I’m not falling for this again—

But it was too late; the voice had taken control again.

My arms slipped around his neck, pulling him closer as I responded to his kiss. Salem froze for a moment, as if surprised that I had actually kissed him back, but soon melted with the heat of my kiss. His warm, soft lips moving against my own- oh –it was pure heaven, I couldn’t believe that I’d been missing out on it all this time. For this one euphoric kiss, I decided to forgive the voice. Salem was an amazing kisser; trust me, if there was a contest for the best kiss of your life, he would win first place hands down. And, judging by the primal groans he was emitting, I was holding my own against him. His tongue ran along my bottom lip, asking- no –begging for permission.

And I let him in.

In my head, there were angels singing….well, and the voice muttering;

I hope you realize you’ve been in control for the last ten minutes.

I jumped back, startled. I was the one in control? No way, I wouldn’t have let him in, no way.

But what the voice said rang true.

“I-I have to go,” I stammered before I ran away, to where, I didn’t care, I just had to get away from there.

Don’t leave him!

I saw another memory fragment; this time, the memory was moving, not a still frame like the last one. On the ground, there was the crumpled figure of a man and I was dragged away by someone behind me.

“No!” I screamed. “You won’t take me away from him again!”

I grabbed a dagger from my belt as I twisted my arms from gripping hands and…..and….

“Harmony!” Salem said worriedly as he shook me by the shoulders. “You looked like you were in a trance. Are you alright?” Salem tried to put hand on my cheek, but I recoiled, afraid of what my hormones would make me do if I felt him touch my face again.

“I really have to go,” I said flatly, then slipped out of his arms.

Before I had fled the gym, I heard Salem whisper, “I’m so sorry, this isn’t what I wanted.”

Without turning, I asked, “You didn’t want what?”

“To kiss you like that, it wasn’t how it was supposed to be.”

“What?” I turned to see him smiling his trademark smirk.

“Oh, nothing, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, weren’t you leaving?” he asked, then turned away and strode off before I could ask any more questions.

*End of Flashback*

What was up with Salem? Why did he kiss me? What wasn’t ‘supposed to be’? These questions kept spinning around my head.

“….Now, Miss Anglo, we don’t have all day.”

I shook my head. “What?” The class giggled at my dumb response and my obvious lack of attention.

Mr. Malonei sighed and shook his head. “I asked you to go fetch the new student from the office.”

“Oh, sure.”

I got up and opened the door, only to run into Salem….

….Or someone who looked scarily similar to him at least. This guy, who was at least a foot taller than me, had the same messy black hair and tanned skin tone as Salem, but his eyes: they were cerulean blue.

“We meet again, Harmony,” the male said in a reverberating voice, one that was so familiar, if only I could remember from wher-

“No way,” I whispered, “the new kid couldn’t be-“

Oh, but it was; the new kid was the shaman from this morning.


AN- Sorry that this chapter was late! Trust me, an essay plus writer's block does not equal a good chapter, so I spent a few extra days on it. I hope you guys enjoy it! The next chapter is gonna take me a little while to write, mainly because I'll have a lot of homework the next two weeks, but I'll try to update when I can.

As you can see, the story has taken a turn to romance, which is needed for the later half of the story. No, there will not be any explicit scenes, this is as far as I will go, so no worries about that. In the next two chapters, the mystery will be introduced. Trust me, I didn't think it would take this long to introduce it to the plot.

So, vote, fav., or whatever! Comments and criticism are always appreciated.

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