Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“Hey!” he said again. “This is the last time I’m going to ask, how the hell did you get in here?”

The only light in the room came from underneath the door, but it looked like he had about a foot on top of my 5,7’ stature. He had high cheekbones and a narrow nose. Currently, his eyebrows were scrunched up as he glared at me. I didn’t recognize him from our school, must be sneaking in to see his girlfriend or something. He looked like the guy my friend Mythra said she was dating. Keith, I think his name was, and I knew he was cheating on her. Well, that means I don’t have to be polite.

I let all my grouchiness from the morning leak into my voice, “I walked in here, duh genius!”

“No, you couldn’t have,” he almost mumbled to himself as he unconsciously fingered a – what was tha-? No, no, this couldn’t be. Crap, this wasn’t Mr. 100% -human-Keith, this was a shaman!

He hastily stuffed his bird’s talon charm back into his pocket, as if he had sensed my eyes on it.

“No,” he said confidently, “you couldn’t have. Now, tell me the truth, how did you get in here?”

I decided the best card to play against a magic user who could pull my spirit out of my body like a rabbit out of a hat was the ‘act-like-a-dumb-blonde-human-girl’ card, aka, probably the only card that would get me out of this situation unscathed and intact.

“Well, I did say I came in the door, which is kinda the only way I could get in, unless, gasp, I can walk through walls now!” I gabbed excitedly.

“You didn’t walk in here after me, and I was the first one here, so you got in here by other means.”

Oh, he was insinuating I was supernatural, was he? Well, I’ll quench that fire real quick. “Are you sure? I saw you walk in. Just ‘cause you didn’t see me didn’t mean I wasn’t here.” I just hope he believed my half-baked lie.

He thought for a moment, then the corner of his mouth twitch, as if fighting a triumphant grin. “Really now, then you can answer this question; what did I do right after I got in here?”

I put a finger to my chin and scrunched my eyebrows, calmly thinking on the outside, when in reality I was freaking out, trying to come up with an answer that’d save my behind.

Just say this, my inner voice said. Without my consent, my mouth said the words: “Well, you closed the door, pulled out that little do-dad that you just stuck back into your pocket, and then chanted something like ‘Kuvo se Rehista chi Calicio.’”

His almost-grin fell down into a frown and his eyebrows came down with it. While he was contemplating a new theory, I was freaking out, trying to figure out what just happened with my mouth. I mean, sure, I’ve heard of people saying things without thinking, but what just happened was a little bit of a stretch.

“You shouldn’t have seen that,” he said quietly, interrupting my thoughts.


He raised his hand to my head and gentle rested it against my forehead. It was warm, rough, and slightly familiar, but it wasn’t my foremost thought. My instincts were screaming at me to run, but I was frozen with fear. What was he planning on doing?

“Don’t move,” he commanded in a whisper, as if I had a choice. He muttered something under his breath in a sort of ancient tongue. Then, I felt tendrils of thought brush against my brain.

Oh crap, even worse than take my spirit out of my body, he was gonna make me lose my sanity for ‘seeing’ him and his little ritual. Is this what shamans did when humans were in the wrong place, wrong time? No wonder they were basically extinct, thousands of them must have been executed for their crimes against humans by the SPF.

Shut up, he said through thought, and again, there was that feeling of familiarity.

I silenced my thoughts as he finished searching my memories. It felt like he was looking for something, desperately searching for something vitally important. He dropped his hand from my head, and I opened my eyes to see a dissatisfied look on his face. He shook his head once, then gave me a slight smirk and said, “Continue what you were doing before, Harmony.” And with that, he turned on his heel and walked out of the janitors’ closet, shutting the door on my gob-smacked face.

                                                  ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

I sighed as I left my Spanish classroom. Not only was I at least 15 minutes late from trying to figure out why the shaman had left me sane and wondering what he was searching for, but I’m fairly sure I also bombed that test.

I shook my head, trying to get all these thoughts outta my – wait, what was that? It was just a flash, a small glimpse of a man’s shadow on the ground. Now, this would be a remotely ok memory if the dusty ground wasn’t bathed in blood.

Where the heck did that come from? I could never remember seeing that much blood in my life. I mean, yeah, sure, there was this one time with a crazed vampire in the neighborhood, but still, nothing like that flash of a memory! It hadn’t looked like a massacre had taken place! And that’s not even the scariest part. With the memory, came an elated, happy feeling. What sick person is happy over the sight of pools of blood?!

It’s not the blood that makes a battle joyous, it’s the victory.

There it is again! That stupid voice that started talking to me today! It refuses to respond to me, but it just loves to randomly comment on things. I’ve decided it’ll be better if I just ignore it while I’m at school because I don’t want to look like a lunatic arguing with a voice in my head. I gratefully relaxed into my chair in Math, the teacher setting off on her lesson. From now on, my day would be a normal, calm, regular person’s sixteenth birthday.

Oh how wrong I was.


A/N - So, here's chapter 2! Did you guys enjoy it? What do you think of Harmony? Is she a believable character? Any theories about that voice in her head? What do you think will happen next? I'd love to hear from you guys, see what people think of my story. Comments and criticism are always apperciated :)

I will be posting chapters to this story every weekend, maybe on Fridays if I don't have a ton and a half of homework. Also, the title has been changed, thought it sounded better. It'll make more sense later on ;)

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