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“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” a certain black haired boy said as he slammed the door shut.

“Nothing important,” I said as I quickly shoved the glass sphere back into my pocket. I thought for sure it could’ve been useful at a time like this, but of course not!

“Good, ‘cause now’s not the time for distractions,” he said tensely as he knelt down by the door frame. The male whispered a few words in an ancient tongue, then a blue aura glowed around the door. He stood and faced me as it faded. “That should buy us a few minutes. Go!” he barked as he shoved me ahead of him down the narrow hall. We ran as fast as we could, him heavily leaning upon my shoulder.

“Now what’s the plan?”

“Umm, well…I guess…Ugh! I don’t know!!” I shrieked as I ran a hand through my knotted hair in frustration. “He’s immune to most of my powers, so I’m useless and you just got back from the infirmary, and not in the best condition I might add. So, I dunno!” Even to myself I sounded like a little brat. I pouted, wishing I could grow up.

“If this wasn’t a life or death situation,” he said with a soft light in his usually cold eyes, “then I’d- .”

Everything snapped into fast forward. The door shattered into a million deadly splinters. They, with their muscles bulging under their skin, just waiting for the chance to use them on us, came bursting through the door, charging towards us, not even phased by the wounds they received from the flying wood. The male threw up a shield to keep us safe, but it didn’t stop a club from knocking him out with a blow to the back of his head. At least, I hope he was knocked out.

Hands wrapped around my wrists from behind me, restraining me from doing anything more than scream and thrash about meaninglessly. The voice I heard next made my stomach drop.

“Hello my dearest child. It’s been such a long time.”


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