0.1 Departure

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Elizabeth p.o.v

"I don't see why we can't at least stay here until summer? Why can't we just wait a month?" I asked, frustrated, I didn't want to leave.

"Because my job can't wait that long, I need to be there within 2-3 weeks." My mom replied, obviously sick of answering this question.

"Then why are we leaving NOW?" I seriously didn't want to go. At all.

"Because I'm the parent and that's what I said." She was starting to get mad now, so I decided to stop stressing her out more than she already was.

"I'm sorry. I just- I am really gonna miss this place, Washington has been our home for so long now, and Texas is just so far, so much change." I said, tearing up for the fiftieth time today.

She dropped the box into the back of the U-Haul truck, walking over to me and pulling me in for a hug, she was tearing up too.

"I understand, Elizabeth, but its just such a good offer. I can finally get you those things that you want, we can get back up on our feet! Plus you can be back in Texas where you were born, it's your home already." She said with a sympathetic smile.

She was right, I was born in Texas but I only lived there for 2 months before I moved to Washington. In my eyes this was my home, and it has been for 15 years. I need to start looking at this in a positive way, though, my mom was already stressed enough, I didn't want her to get worse.

"You're right, I'm sure this is gonna be better than I have been acting, maybe I will even like it more." My positive remark caused my mom to sigh with relief.

she is so amazing, I love her so much, I wouldn't be who I am without her, and that honestly makes me so happy.

"You're the best mom a girl like me could ever ask for, you know that?"

She laughed a little.

"Stop that! Now help me load the truck!" She looked so frantic, causing me to laugh, I sighed a bit, moving over towards the truck, this might take a while.

-3 hours later-

"Oh my gosh! We did it!" My mom squealed, giving me a high five.

I lifted my suitcase into the front seat, pretending to dust off my hands, laughing.

"You ready to head out? This is gonna be a long drive, so make sure you have everything. Have you already used the restroom?" She asked.

I nod slowly, I was completely ready.

Well, maybe not completely.

"Yeah, I'm ready but could I just...?" I asked, gesturing towards our home. She nods, a sly smile on her face, as she motioned for me to go.

"You have about 15 minutes until we have to go, so don't take too long, hun," she yells behind me.

Her enthusiastic attitude about this, honestly made it so much easier for me.

I walk into the home slowly, everything that I can remember, all the memories flooding back to me as I walk through each and every room, all the good and bad. The first 15 years of my life were spent here. It's hard to leave, but I am kind of looking forward to the fresh start.

A tear streams down my cheek as I sit in the room that has been mine for all this time. The walls that have been painted so many colors as I matured. The room where I cried, I laughed, and where I dreamt. Everything important happened here.

I decided to record a video of the house as memory.

I slid my iPhone out of my pocket, and open the camera.

I slide the switch over to record and press the button.

"Hey, future self!!" I giggle, then I sniffle again.

"Well, today is moving day,  in approximately 15 minutes, I will be leaving." another tear streams down my cheek and I wipe it away as quickly as possible.

I walk around the home,  exposing the camera to every room and what it once was. This may be hard now,  but I will thank myself later.

When I was finished, I pushed my phone back into my butt pocket. I removed the house keys from the key chain in my purse and sat them on the counter. I can do this, I'm ready.

I walk over to the front door, opening it slowly, I breathe in the scent one last time, another tear. Then I smile, and spin around, taking in my surroundings.

I remember something, and I bolt up to my room, grabbing the black sharpie off of the ledge in my closet. Making my way to the corner and scooting beneath the short shelf.

In small letters on the bottom I wrote, 'Elizabeth Nicole Smith, 1998-2013'. I close the cap to the sharpie, examining what I wrote, and smiling slightly.

I climb out of the closet, running back downstairs, hearing my mom call me from outside.

It's time.

 I open the door again, turning around taking one last look before locking it. I walk out and close it slowly. It's official, I'm moving. I feel the tears coming down again.

I slowly walk towards the car.

It's raining, which in Washington isn't ever a big deal.

I move next to my mom who is standing on the curb, looking at the house.

"Remember when you thought it would be funny to finger paint on all the windows? And I didn't notice for a week? You were four years old then." She says, I hear a creak in her voice, she was crying too. I hug her softly, leaning my head on her shoulder.

"Yeah, and it took hours to clean!" I giggled.

"Oh! and that one time, what was it? Oh yes, your thirteenth birthday party. When you slid down the stairs in front of everyone." She laughs.

"That was SOOO embarrassing. I didn't live that out until last year." I smile.

We stood there for another three minutes or so.

She squeezed my hand.

"Ready?" She asked.

I nod slowly, not turning away from the home, I really hope the next family has an amazing life in it like I did.

I pull out my phone, taking another picture.

What can I say? I'm obsessed with capturing moments for the future.

 My mom breaks the silence,

"Come on hun, lets go."

I turn towards the truck, getting in slowly. My mom starts it up and looks over at the house one last time before starting to pull away, another tear escaping her eyes.

I place my hand on her shoulder, she looks at me, as I smile reasuringly.

I release my grip and lean back in my seat, placing my hands in between my thighs.

I watch the house as we drive off until I lose sight of it, damn trees.

When I turn forward to the windshield, I take a deep breath. My stomach sinking slightly.

I lean my head against the car window, drifting off soon after, into a deep sleep.


Hey everyone! My name is Bailey(: this is my first story on here so I hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading(: will be updating soon!

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