0.5 Walls

426 17 2
  • Dedicated to Cara Bear

Elizabeth p.o.v

The boys raced down the stairs and attacked the box faster then I could've imagined, damn.

"hungry mucho?!" Sarah squealed, making me laugh.

I learned a lot about her, on the way to and from getting the food, she told me about her and Alex, and honestly they seem like the happiest couple ever.

I want that someday but I doubt I'd ever get it, not any time soon anyway.

Everyone knows that teenage love always happens but about 99% of the time, it doesn't last. I've always dreamt of being part of that 1% and beating the odds, but come on, lets be realistic here.

I snapped out of my thought when Austin looked up at me, we locked eyes and he began to make his way over, but, he stopped, and turned the other way, and I think I knew why.

While Sarah and I were walking, she told me about how Austin just got through a very hard breakup with some girl, I forget her name, Caylor, Taylor? I don't even know. Either way, Austin has been very protective of himself lately and he has put up a wall and doesn't seem ready to let anyone in, which I understand.

I spent my whole childhood, dwelling over the fact that I didn't have a father figure in my life. All of the other kids my age talked about how their dads took them to the park, or got them a gift, and it hurt me a lot. I felt like I wasn't accepted and like I wasn't good enough. I wasn't old enough to fully understand the situation, so I used to blame my mom for how things were, but, one day it all just clicked, and I felt awful for the way I had been treating her. My dad left her when she told him she was pregnant, and I can't even imagine how painful that must've been.

My mom tried dating, but it just didn't work out, and she gave up.

When I was about 9, I saw a side of her that I hadn't ever expected, she did nothing but drink, cry, and lock herself in her room.

I would just sit in my room, thinking of ways I could help her, but soon I came to the realization that the situation was much bigger than me or her, and I felt absolutely terrible.

I have never really trusted people or let anyone in. I had a lot of secrets, and my mom helped me a lot. I told her everything, and she was the only one I knew I could trust completely, no matter what.

So long story short, I knew how Austin felt. So I wasn't gonna try to get through that wall, I know what it's like, If he wants me there, he would let me in at some point.

 I'm getting ahead of myself here, I mean, I don't even really know anything about him, but one thing at this point was obvious for sure, I liked this boy, a lot more than I should.


extreme short filler chapter haha cx

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