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Today was Sunday, the last day of the weekend. Tobio had managed to drag me to one of his games. It was supposed to be a 'friendly' game, but I really don't think it will turn out that way. Karasuno is going up against Aoba Joshai, the team that had beat them in the preliminary tournament. I was sitting on the bench next to Coach Ukai during the heated game. There was a lot more shouting and yelling than I expected. They may actually be louder than my soccer team.

The score was tied, 20-20, third set, with Aoba Joshai currently serving. The guy serving was Oikawa, whom I met whilst I was practicing yesterday. Him and Tobio seemed to have major issues between them. They always throw dirty looks at each other after a point is scored. The most amazing parts of this game was when Nishinoya, the libero, saved the ball from a certain point. He gave it his all, diving with full force like I do during soccer. I just have to catch the ball. It looks so much easier to just hit it back up. Nishinoya was also utterly silent, not saying a word. During practice he had to have been one of the loudest ones, besides Tanaka and Hinata. Sometimes I never see him coming. He could be across the court and then saving the ball on the other side in a second. He acts on instinct, just like I do. I never look at the surrounding players, I just react and hope they move out of the way.

Realizing now that I was totally staring at him for a couple minutes, I averted my eyes and my face grew warm. He was kind of cute, I guess, but he was way too popular with everyone. I wasn't one to make many friends easily. My stomach began to knot itself and it suddenly became very hot in the gymnasium. I excused myself and walked outside. I was thinking too much about everything. I just need to deal with the now and relax. I sat on the bench nearby the entrance to wait until the game finished. I leaned back and closed my eyes, resting my mind. Before I knew it, cheering was heard in the gym. Someone had obviously won, I just don't know who. The two teams were pretty evenly matched from my standpoint. I got back up to check up on my brother to see how he did. I looked over at the scores. It read, 32-30, Aoba Joshai had won once again. They even went through to over time. Karasuno looked completely dejected. No one was cheering for them and it made me feel uncomfortable.

"WOOOO! KARASUNOOOO!!" I shouted while clapping my hands.

I made a total fool of myself and kept cheering for them. Soon some audience members joined in, cheering the boys up a bit. I skipped over to them, giving them all high-fives and pats on their backs. They really did deserve it, even if they didn't win. It was an awe-inspiring game. I never would have been able to do the things they did, mostly because I don't play volleyball.

I saw Tobio glaring over at Aoba Joshai, his fists clenched. I walked over to him with a sad smile on my face. I gave him a hug, spinning him around.

"You guys did great! You were amazing! Who cares about the score anyways, it was just a practice match. It's a good way to practice and get info on the team you are playing against. Don't be depressed, be happy that you played." I consoled him.

His eyes seemed to light up and I gave him one last hug.

"I'll be waiting outside until you guys are done. You really reek!" I said, plugging my nose and backing away.

"Shut up!" Tobio shouted.

He wasn't angry, he was just pouting. I laughed at his childish face and left the building once more. I sat down on the same bench as before, closing my eyes again.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here, Ren-chan~." someone whispered in my ear.

I jumped up, clearly frightened that someone snuck up on me. It was Oikawa. His hands were on his hips and he had a smug smirk plastered onto his face. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Shouldn't you be heading back to your school with your team? Your business is finished here." I huffed.

"Oh, but I still have some business to attend to." he chuckles.

"It's with you~." he adds.

My brows furrowed as he stepped out from behind the bench. He grabbed my wrist and tugged me to him. I was roughly held in place, my back against his chest. My face grew hot at the thought and I instantly began pushing at his arm.

"You know, you really interest me. You are the only person I have met that didn't know about me." he purred into my ear.

"Okay, and?" I hissed, still pushing at his arm.

"I think you're cute~," he added.

His lips moved away from my ear and they placed themselves against my neck. I gasped and froze in my place. I haven't been in this type of situation ever before and I don't know how to react. His lips left little butterfly kisses, tickling me. I squirmed but I did not laugh, this is not a funny situation. His lips trailed up to the base of my ear and stopped. He kissed that spot repeatedly and then did the worst thing ever. He bit me.

"Let go, Oikawa!" I shouted, my voice breaking.

Tears edged into my vision as I frantically pushed at his arm. He just let go once he removed his lips from my wound. I took a couple steps back, my hand covering the spot that he soiled. I removed my hand to see a small amount of blood. It most certainly left a mark. My breath hitched and a couple tears fell.

"Why?" I asked, sounding breathless.

"I told you, I think you're cute. I don't want other guys to think you're available." he said, his face totally serious.

His happy-go-lucky attitude was a massive facade. The real Oikawa was kind of scary.

"What do you mean by 'not available'!?" I shouted in anger.

"I'm going to make you mine, Ren-chan. You will soon love me." He said, his face still serious.

He walked away as if nothing had happened. My knees buckled and I fell onto my bum. Some tears were still fresh on my face. My mouth was open in shock, and my breathing was light. The team had come out of he gym now. They had some real great timing, if you know what I mean. Tobio looked over and called my name. Once I didn't get up, he raced over to my side, his team members not far behind. My hand was still covering Tooru's love mark.

"Ren, are you okay?" Tobio said.

It was kind of funny that he was slightly panicked.

"I, um...ah yeah, I'm fine." I unnaturally stuttered.

I stood up, my hand still covering the spot. Tobio pulled my hand away and his eyes widened angrily. It was obvious he knew what it was.

"Who did this?" he said darkly.

"N-No one, I just got, uh, stung by a wasp." I said, trying to see if the cover up would work.

"Bullshit, Ren! Someone bit you! Who did it?!" he shouted at me like it was my fault.

A couple more tears added to the old ones. I was upset that he thought I let this happen to myself. My bottom jaw quivered slightly.

"Kageyama, you may be going a bit overboard." Sugawara said.

"Stay out of this!" he snapped.

Sugawara held his hands up and backed off.

"Tobio, go home. I will be home later. I'm walking." I said softly.

I retrieved the keys from my pocket and tossed them to Tobio. I sniffed and walked in the opposite direction. That wasn't what I expected to come out of Tobio. I crossed my arms across my chest and began walking along the sidewalk that would take me home. I didn't hide my tears now, they came out in a small river trickling down my cheeks. My hand would wipe them away every so often.

"Um, Ren? Are you okay?" someone called from behind me.


I'm sorry if Oikawa is OOC but this is how he is going to be in the story. If you don't like it, don't complain to me. Just don't read my book if you don't like it. I would also love, like, the tiniest feedback just to know if this story is okay. I would really appreciate it.

Thank you for reading!!!!

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