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So the walk home was pretty awkward. Yū didn't say anything and I didn't say anything either. At points he would open his mouth as if to say something but he closed it. I sort of felt bad. He was so excited earlier and now he is acting weird.

"Did Kageyama tell you about the team going to Tokyo?" he said, breaking the silence.

"What!? No, he didn't! I can't stay at home with this current situation! I'm scared that Tobio won't be there to stop him." I yelled, quieting down at the last words.

"Well, we're leaving this Friday at, like, midnight. Just in case you wanted to know." he said, nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders.

"If I help out in Tokyo, do you think Coach Ukai will let me stay?" I said, shrugging back.

"It's worth a shot. We're doing a lot of training so maybe you could throw to help everyone receive better." Yū suggested.

"Not a bad idea. Will Aoba Josai be there?" I said, making a funny voice when I said their name.

"Nah. They think that they're too good to participate. They go practice with college kids, stuck up snobs." he laughs.

"Great! I don't have to spend an entire week hiding in my home!" I cheered.

"True, true. I could ask Coach tomorrow after morning practice and let you know. Here, text me and let me know it's you." he smiled, handing me a slip of paper.

"Thanks, Yū! I owe ya one." I said as we approached my house.

"Thanks for walking me home as well." I murmured.

"Don't mention it, it was my pleasure." he smiled triumphantly.

I took a couple steps away before turning back to him. I walked back in front of him and hesitantly gave him a hug. He didn't react to it so I thought that he didn't like it. I sprang back.

"I'm sorry! I'll see you in school tomorrow!" I shouted before sprinting up the steps of my house.

I got inside and closed the door, taking a deep, calming breath. I looked out of the window nearby to see if he left. What I saw was the most amusing thing ever. Yū was dancing around in a circle, pumping his fists into the air. I couldn't hear him through the glass but I am pretty sure he is yelling incohearantly.

"You liiiiiiike him." someone whispered in my ear.

I turn and glare at Tobio. I didn't realise that he watched the entire scene. He must have ran home in order to see it.

"You're creepy when you smile. Maybe that's why Hinata hasn't asked you out yet." I said teasingly.

"SHUT UP! I'M NOT GAY!" he yells, his fists curling into balls.

"It's ok to be in denial." I said in a fake understanding voice.

I pat his shoulder as I walked by and to my room. I could hear him mumbling under his breath. He is so mad that he can't even form proper words. Pathetic.

I put my stuff down in the middle of my room and fall into my bed. There was something in my pocket that kept poking me though. I reached in and took it out. It was the paper that Yū had given me. I might as well text him, I have nothing else better to do.

Recipient: Yū Nishinoya


Hey Yū! It's Ren. I figured I would text you now so I didn't forget. I'm also procrastinating. I don't want to do any homework...(▪_▪)

Message Sent.

I dropped my phone onto my floor and rolled off my bed, onto the floor. I drug my backpack over to me. I figured that if I get it done now, I could probably practice soccer afterwards. I worked with a renewed vigor, writing answers down at lightning speeds. They may have not been right but, hey, my homework is done. The teachers can't really complain now, can they.

Message Recieved!

Sender: Yū Nishinoya


Wow, I didn't think you would do it until later. Now I have a valid excuse not to do homework. Not that I ever actually did it anyways. \(>,<)/

Message Read.

I can't describe how much I laughed at that. He is literally me if I was a guy. I mean I would have to do my homework to keep my grades up to keep from being beaten. I honestly wonder how he passed his first year if he didn't do any homework. Oh well, not my problem.

Recipient: Yū Nishinoya


That is me 100% of the time, except I actually have to do it. I bet you could guess why. Oh well, it's almost done. I'm going to go practice soccer later as my reward. (^-^)

Message Sent.

Within the next couple minutes, I scribble out the answers on my homework. I really don't care if it's right. The teachers only check to see if it's completed, not that it had the right answers.

Message Received!

Sender: Yū Nishinoya


What time are you going? Maybe I'll come help you out since you helped me with my receives. What do you think? (°~°)

Message Read.

Why does he want to hang out with me recently? I don't oppose it, it's just that I met him not too long ago and he is kind of stuck to me like glue. Once again, I don't consider it bad. Just confusing.

Recipient: Yū Nishinoya


I'm heading over now after I get changed. You can come if you want to, it might not be very entertaining. :/

Message Sent.

I quickly changed and gather my things. I then went to Tobio's room and knocked on the door. After I heard a faint 'come in', I opened the door.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were going to Tokyo?" I asked.

"We only just found out today. I was going to tell you but I guess someone else beat me to it." he smirked.

"Whatever. Yū is asking Coach Ukai if I can come to help people practice their receives. I might actually be going with you. I really don't want to stay here alone with dad currently." I said.

"I was bringing you whether Coach said so or not. I'll be talking to dad later when he finishes work." he nods.

"Cool, thanks! I promise I won't be too much of a bother!" I smiled.

"Whatever. I need to finish my homework now so that I can actually go to Tokyo. If I fail any upcoming exams, I can't go." he said, a gloomy aura surrounding him.

"That sounds like a personal problem. Anyways, I'll see you later." I chuckled.

Message Received!

Sender: Yū Nishinoya


Not to be totally weird or anything, but, I have to pass by your house in order to get to the fields. You want me to pick you up? (*^*)

Message Read.

My cheeks grew completely flushed as I read the message. He wants to spend time with me and it makes me feel nervous yet happy. I give up, I have a total crush on Yū. There is no going back.

Recipient: Yū Nishinoya


Yeah, sure! I'd love that! (*♢*)

Message Sent.

I took a seat by a window to wait for his arrival. It would be creepy if its was waiting outside for him. Then again, he already asked if he could pick me up so he would probably expect me to be waiting outside for him. I'll just stay by the window, I'm already sitting down anyways.

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