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~Time skip because I'm lazy~

The next morning I woke up and did my usual morning routine. As I was gathering my things, a knock sounded at my door. At first, I was scared of answer it, fearing that my dad could be on the other side. I figured I would have to open the door sooner or later so I decided to do it sooner rather than later. I let out a sigh of relief as I saw Tobio instead of my dad. Relief turned into bitterness as I remember why I wasn't talking to him.

"Ren, can I apologize?" he said slowly.

"For?" I lead, hinting that I wanted an explanation for his actions.

"For yelling at you the other day when it wasn't your fault at all. I was just angry. I'm supposed to protect you, you know? I already fail at protecting you at home so I don't want to fail outside of home too." he said lowly, clearly ashamed of his actions.

Instead of continuing to talk, I decided to hug him. I had missed talking to him and it always felt awkward between us since then. He embraced me back, understanding that this was my way of accepting his apology. We broke apart but Tobio didn't leave yet.

"Now, about Oikawa..." he started.

"Oikawa? Oh, um, I honestly don't know what he is doing so I'm just going to try and avoid him entirely." I half lied.

I did know what he was trying to do. He was trying to force me to fall in love with him. I was going to avoid him entirely though, no question about that.

Tobio nodded in approval.

"You ready to go?" he asked.

"Yeah, just let me grab my bag. I'll meet you at the door." I said, waving him off.

I slung my back pack over my shoulders and put on my shoes. I met Tobio at the door and we walked to school. I walked straight into the first-year class. Tobio said he was going to meet someone. I sat in the back again, taking out my work from the day before. I looked up and I met a pair of eyes. I had seen them before.

"What, Tsukishima? I already apologized. You're lucky you don't have a black eye." I sighed.

"I came to see if you had any more hickeys, as the rumors suggest." he smirked.

Now crestfallen, I turned my attention to my notebook.

"Go away please." I said, rather politely.

"Why? You need to text Oikawa?" he snickered.

I jumped up from my desk, with a dark glare on my face.

"How do you know about that?" I growled darkly.

"Well, first off, his little fan club is telling everyone. Second, he was overheard bragging to one of his friends." he said.

"Shit." I murmured.

I pushed him away from my desk and sat down again, trying to control my seething rage. I didn't bother listening to the lecture today. There was no way I could pay attention while I was like this.

As soon as the lunch break bell rang, I was already out of the classroom. I sat down where I ate lunch yesterday to wait for Yū. I was really dreading telling him about my bruise. No one knows about it besides Tobio. Mostly because no one bothered to ask.

"Hey, Ren!" I heard Yū say from behind me.

"Hey." I replied.

He sat down right next to me and looked at me.

"You were going to tell me what happened? With the bruise?" he reminded.

It's not that I forgot, I was just hesitating.

"You're not going to tell anyone, right? You have to swear." I said.

"This conversation will stay between us." he reassured.

"Okay, um, I don't exactly know how to start. The bruise wasn't an accident though. It was inflicted upon me." I whispered.

His face visibly grew shocked.

"Who would even do something like that? You don't seem like the kind of person that would have enemies." he questioned.

"My...dad...actually d-did this to me." I stuttered.

"Oh." he said quietly.

The loudest kid I ever met now has no words to say.

"You can't tell anyone!" I urged.

"But why? Wouldn't you want someone to know!?" he raised his voice.

"No because then Tobio and I could be separated. When we fought the other day, we both felt unnatural because we didn't talk to each other afterwards." I explained.

Yū pulled me into a hug.

"Don't cry. Please." he whispered.

My hand felt my cheek, which was now damp. I was unconsciously crying. I grew a blush as I realised how he was holding me too. My head was against his chest, his arms shielding me from the world. I was totally embarrassed by this but it didn't feel wrong to me. Is it weird to say that I enjoyed it?

"Thanks, Yū" I said.

"Anytime." he answered.

I could feel his chest rumble as he talked and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's funny about that?" he pouted.

"No, no, nothing. It felt funny when you talked!" I said, untangling myself from his arms.

He didn't even respond, he just began to blush. Both realising how intimate that looked, we scooted apart from each other a bit. I broke the tension you chuckling a bit. He joined in and soon we just laughed. I swear, he is going to be the death of me.

"Can I walk you home after school?" Yū said suddenly.

"I don't see why not." I smiled.

"Great! I'll see you then!" he said quickly, bolting off afterwards.

I laughed at his childishness. I doubt that Yū will ever grow up.

~Time skip because why not?~

I began packing my things just as the bell rang. I left the room and began to walk towards the entrance. I met Yū along the way. My brother was waiting at the gate per usual. I gave him a stare that told him to leave. He snickered at me but obliged. I knew he was going to pester me when I got home.

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