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Thursday and Friday passed at an average pace. I would stop at the boys' practice and help them out. Every so often, Yū would talk to me and wave to me when we passed each other. He also decided, on his own, that he will walk home with me 'until further notice'. It's a lame excuse but it makes me feel all fluttery inside. After Yū had dropped me off at home Friday afternoon, I went to pack for my journey to Tokyo. I would be spending a whole week there. I made sure to pack my soccer stuff because I can't really go anywhere without it. I'm a horrible packer though, I can never decide what to bring. I always either bring too much or too little, never the perfect amount. We were leaving at midnight so I had to stay up until then so I would be able to sleep on the bus ride. Yū and I texted each other to keep us both awake. It worked for the most part. When I was like half-asleep, the vibration of my phone would wake me up. When it was time to go, Tobio told me and I grabbed my belongings. I just had one bag and my pillow so I can just keep them with me. We walked to the school and arrived along with everyone else. They were beginning to load the bus so I pushed everyone out of my way and went to the back of the bus. I sat down and put my head on my pillow so I could sleep. Let me tell you, I could sleep through a bomb if I was really tired enough. My eyes closed and a drifted off in a matter of minutes.

(Yū's POV)

Ren had pushed everyone out of the way to get on the bus, surprising some people. I got on afterwards and sat next to Asahi. I needed to talk to him about Ren but I don't know how he would respond. He could get to nervous and tell me the wrong thing. Everyone on the bus would probably tell me to do something stupid. I pouted in my seat, my eyes glancing sideways at Ren's sleeping form. I had to try really hard to keep from blushing when I looked at her. Finally Asahi sat down next to me.

"Psst, Asahi." I whispered.

"What?" he whispers back.

"Do you know how to, uh, ask a girl out?" I whispered slowly while twiddling my thumbs.

Asahi's eyes quickly met mine and he had a sly grin on his face. This is not the normal Asahi that I know.

"Who is it?" he says.

"Well, you won't tell anyone right?" I threaten quietly.

He holds up his hands in defense.

"No, no. I just want to know who the lucky girl is." he chuckles quietly.

"She's on the bus." I answer.

"Kiyoko? I thought she already turned you down." Asahi says, confused.

"Look a little more towards the back of the bus." I say, pointing to Ren with my eyes.

"You better hope Kageyama doesn't find out." Asahi warns.

"Eh, I'll be fine. Ren is stronger than Kageyama anyways." I whisper.

"Well, you should just ask her out. Be a man, I know I won't be able to do it." he shakes his head.

"What if she rejects me? Then our friendship will be ruined." I whined.

"Has she rejected you thus far? Does she tell you things that she wouldn't tell other people. If so, she trusts you." Asahi smiles.

I look back on recent events. Learning about her horrible father, eating lunch together, walking her home, and she never gets completely nervous around me. I've got to do it before someone else does, like that douche, Oikawa. I still can't believe he did that to her. She looked so upset and it really bothered me.

The rest of the bus ride was uneventful, besides Coach Ukai yelling at Tanaka to stop snoring.

~~Time Skip, the next day~~

(Ren's POV)

Since I slept enough on the bus ride, I ended up waking up earlier than I expected. It was 5am on a Saturday morning. I'm supposed to sleep in but it didn't go as planned. I got up and got ready for the day. I put on a t-shirt and shorts, my training clothes. I put on my gym sneakers and grabbed my soccer ball before heading out the door. I was surprised when I actually saw a few poor souls awake. I know one just woke up because he has a serious case of bedhead. They were all in the same gym, all three of them. Currently, two of them were yelling at each other. Me, being not so much of a morning person, decided to stop them.

"Stop yelling! It's too early in the morning!" I said, ironically yelling too.

"Bokuto-san, I told you someone would eventually hear you guys." the third person said.

He looked like a dissapointed mother. The guy he called Bokuto looked at him dejectedly.

"But Akaashi, Kuroo is cheating." he moaned.

"If you can't prove it, I wasn't cheating. Maybe I'm just better than you." the bedhead instigated.



These two weren't going to give up. I stomped in and walked up to them. Yes, they were much taller and scarier up close, but I'm scariest. I put my soccer ball on the ground and stood between the two. I cleared my throat, as if to give them a warning. I then punched them both in the stomach simultaneously. They fell on the ground and lied there, completely silent.

"Can you teach me how to do that?" Akaashi asked.

"Yeah, when they get up later. I have a feeling that it will help you out with them. You got your hands full." I chuckled.

"Sounds good." he sighs.

"Are there any other gyms open?" I asked.

"No, we only had the key to this one. Once the training starts, the other gyms should be open." he said.

"Okey dokey, I'll try not to bother you." I smiled.

"GET UP!" I shouted at the two who were still on the floor.

They sprung up and continued like nothing happened. I nodded at Akaashi then went to go juggle. I would need a whole gym to myself if I wanted to do my practice routine.

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