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The lunch break was now over and everyone headed back to their classrooms. I parted ways with Nishinoya once I finished my now cold tea. Sitting in the same place as this morning, I pulled out my notebook and copied down the required work. I lifted my head up in time for it to collide with a paper ball. The teacher didn't notice and I didn't know who it came from either. I opened it to reveal a drawing with my name above it. The drawer sketched me as a fat troll wearing the school's uniform. I clenched my teeth together and crumpled the paper again. I put it in my back pack and continued working.

Did I really look like that?

I looked at my reflection in the window beside me. I saw the picture on the paper reflecting back at me. I frowned, facing forward again.

Why do people enjoy to do this? I have heard that it is because they are trying to increase their self-esteem, but most people doing this to me seem pretty confident.

The rest of class ended without incident. I gathered my things and headed to the gyms where the volleyball club had their practice.

"How much?" a guy asked me.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"How much for one night?" he asked again.

My head whipped up to look at the tall guy standing in front of me. He looked like an average prick to me. Blonde hair, glasses, smirk, an ego too big for his own good, and I'm sure you know the rest.

"I dare you to say it again." I warned.

"How. Much. For. One. Night?" he said slowly, stifling a laugh.

That's it, I'm done, I've had enough of this crap. I lunged at the lanky boy and crawled up his back. Both of our bags flew off to the side as I began to put him in a choke hold. My other hand punched him in the face, breaking his glasses.

"Hey!" he shouted.

He grabbed my free arm so I continued on with the choke hold. His other hand was grabbing at the arm that was choking him at the minute. Shouting sounded beside us as we were pulled apart. My hand reached out to grab his hair. I got a fistful but I was pulled away before I could do any damage. Hot tears of anger fell down my face. I still struggled against the person holding me back.

"I'm gonna kill him!" I screamed.

"Ren! Knock it off!" he screamed into my ear.

I stopped struggling and they let me go. I crossed my arms across my chest and grabbed my back pack. I straightened my skirt and walked away with a scowl on my face.

"Ren where are you going? You need to explain your reason behind attacking Tsukishima!" Tobio yelled in my face.

"I'm going home. If I stay here any longer, I'm going to actually kill him." I growled, a deathly aura emanating from my very core.

Tobio backed off and I stomped back home, tears still falling. I seemed to be crying a lot lately. I need to get over myself.

I stopped walking for a minute and just stared at the ground. I slid myself over to the grass and I sat down. I picked at some flowers nearby, peeling off their petals and ripping the stem apart. I made a pile of the grisly flower remains in front of me. I heard footsteps approaching behind me. I grabbed the ripped up flowers, stood up and threw them at the direction someone was coming.

"Leave me alone, Tobio!" I shouted as I threw them.

I turned around and sat on the ground again.

"Well, I'm not Tobio so I'm not going to leave just yet." a soothing voice responded.

He sat by my right and waited in silence. I turned to the side to face him.

"Don't you have practice, Sugawara?" I droned.

"Practice had to be delayed because we had to deal with you two. You got Tsukishima pretty good, you know." he said seriously.

"Yeah, I shouldn't have done that. He just happened to be the one to set me off. I've been dealing with stuff today." I sulked.

"Well at least I don't have to explain what you did wrong." he chuckled.

"What are you, my mom?" I mocked.

"Ah, no, just the mediator. Tsukishima tends to have a bad attitude that affects everyone else. He sets Kageyama off easily too." Sugawara explained.

"Maybe I taught him a lesson." I whispered.

"I doubt it. He wouldn't change even if the world was going to end," he sighs.

"Should we go back and patch things up now?" he added.

I bit my lip and nodded slightly. He helped me up and I dusted off my skirt. He put his hands in his pockets and lead me back to the gyms. The boys were already back into their normal routine, even Tsukishima. The door made a loud squeak as I entered behind Sugawara. Tsukishima seemed to pale a little, but his facial expression showed annoyance.

I walked over to him as practice resumed. I held out my hand as to make amends. He just looked at it then looked at me, not seeming to get it.

"I'm apologizing for beating your ass earlier. I am offering a truce. Whether you accept it or not, that is up to you." I said, my gaze floating to the floor.

"Whatever. I'm not shaking hands though." he said.

I grew a little irked at the comment.

"You could at least apologize as well." I hissed.

"For what? I didn't do anything." he said, turning up his nose.

"Whatever, at least I know I'm the more mature one." I chuckled.

I walked away before I got to attack him again. My teeth ground against each other as I controlled myself.

"You'll have more friends if you learn some manners, lamppost." I said across the gym.

The team began laughing but quickly tried to stop themselves. A few continued laughing.

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