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(Ren's POV)

I walked over to the court with Bokuto and Akaashi, preparing for the worst. My knee was still in pain and I had already told myself I wasn't going to play today. The coach's whistle brought me back to current time. The game had begun not moments later, Fukarodani serving to the other side of the court. The other team did the basic movements as they set up for a spike. It came right at me and I sent it back up into the air with a quiet grunt. Fukarodani did their thing, Bokuto spiking the ball at the end. The game reset with the other team serving. They hit it towards me again but this time the ball stayed in the air longer. It's as if it was floating. It floated in front of me and stopped short unexpectedly. I shot forward to save the ball. It hit the insides of my arms and it went back into the air. After I stood back up, my knee pain seared up again. It was way worse than before and I had to take all weight off that knee.

"Heads up!" multiple people shouted.

My arms covered my face just in time. The force of the ball caused me to stumble backwards, putting pressure on my bad knee again. It buckled, causing me to fall down. I broke the fall with my hands so my knee wouldn't hit the ground.

"Are you okay!?" Bokuto panicked.

I looked at my knee and saw that the blood had soaked through the gauze again.

"I'll be fine. Where do you keep the first aid kit?" I winced.

Akaashi had already grabbed it, being the only responsible one at the moment.

"You're going to want to clean the floor if you don't want the blood to stain it." I chuckled.

"How can you laugh when you're bleeding!? You're going to die!!" Bokuto shouts.

"It's not that bad." I scoffed.

Actually, it was that bad. The blood still hadn't stopped flowing and the gauze was absolutely useless now. Akaashi came back over with a towel.

"I'll stain it." I said.

"There's plenty more, just stop the bleeding." he nodded.

The scene I caused in the gym made 2 people panic even more than Bokuto. One of them panicked on the inside though.

"Ren! What the hell did you do!?" Tobio yelled.

"I tripped up the stairs last night and cut myself pretty bad. I reopened the cut now because I played too roughly." I explained.

Tobio huffed at my stupidity. He came to my side and slung my arm over his shoulder. He brought me off the court so that the training could continue.

"Don't move." he threatened.

"Alright, alright, jeez." I mumbled.

"We'll take you to the infirmary later if the bleeding doesn't stop." Tobio said.

I nodded and shooed him away. My eyes followed him as he jogged back over to his team. Yū was looking at me as if I was going to bleed out. I sighed and gestured that I'm fine. He worries a lot a guess.

"Psst, Ren!"

"What?" I hissed.

"I'm sorry I hurt you." Bokuto apologized.

"It's not your fault, idiot. I'm the one that decided to play. Don't worry about me, just train." I smiled.

He nodded and went back to his team. In the meantime, I took the towel off my wound and decided to give it a closer look. The cut was actually pretty deep. The only good thing was that it was a clean cut. I put the towel back on and taped it down with medical tape so I didn't have to hold it the whole time. I was kind of worried now. I've never had problems with my knee before. Maybe it was because I had tried something new? It was also because of my clumsiness, I knew that for sure. I decided I wasn't going to play anymore during training and I would just hang out by Karasuno and help out their managers. I leaned my head back onto the wall behind me and closed my eyes. I could feel myself falling asleep but I didn't stop it. I had nothing else to do so why not sleep? I nodded off before I could even finished the thought.

Later, I was awoken by Tobio smacking the top of my head lightly. There were barely any people left in the gym so I assumed that the training was over. I lifted my head up and noticed the towel on my leg. I untapped it and removed it from my knee. The bleeding had stopped and I let out a small sigh of relief. The towel itself was totally ruined so when I got up, I just threw it into the trash. I walked back, gingerly stepping on my knee, and grabbed my belongings. It took me a long time to make it over to the girls' dorm and I had also forgotten about the stairs. It seems as if the bench a little ways away was calling my name. It actually was calling my name.

"Ren." Yū whisper-yelled.

I hobbled over to him and sat on the bench.

"What happened to you telling me if it got worse?" he asked, almost sounding like a scolding mother.

I ignored the question and poked him in the side. I watched him squirm like a worm.

"Oh, are you ticklish?" I mocked.

"Don't try to change the topic, it won't happen." he pouted.

I poked him again and this time he fell off the bench and into the grass. I followed him and began to repeatedly poke him. He was trying so hard to contain his laughter that I burst out laughing.

"It's not funny!" he said between pokes.

"It's actually is, if you saw it from my angle that is." I laughed.

After another minute of laughter, I gave up and just sat cross-legged in the grass. Yū, who was still trying to catch his breath, made his way over to me. He places his head in my lap as if it was nothing. My brain could have exploded at that very moment. I was probably blushing like a mad-woman. Yū didn't say anything and before I knew it, I was playing with his hair. I let it slip through my fingers as I ran them through his hair. Yū's eyes were closed and his face looked contempt. I chuckled and allowed a smile to form on my face. I continued to play with his hair until he shifted. He got up with a huff and stood up.

"I have to get back. The other guys will wonder where I am if I stay any longer. Sorry, I wanted to spend more time with you." he said.

I got up and gave him a hug.

"It's fine, really. Goodnight." I said, kissing him on the cheek.

I let him go and left after that. I'm such a tease.


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