Chapter one

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Chapter 1

Its been years since the games were stopped, since the arenas were destroyed and since peeta and i got married and had children. My children who do not know that they play on a graveyard. My children who don't fully know what the hunger games is or how it came to be or how i played my part in it. They will learn of course, when the time comes, but that time is not now. Then there is Peeta who has not fully recovered from what the capitol did to him,from them turning him into a mutt. He tries to hang on, often more for me than for himself, clinging to a chair so not to hurt me. But he is still my Peeta and i am still his Katniss and we always will be there for each other. But then there are still moment when i wake up screaming in the night, about thoughts of lost friends and close family about the war that resulted in many, many deaths including my little sister Prim, but Peeta is always there right next to me, to help me and to keep me safe from harm.

Our children, Willow and Rye, do not yet know who Prim is or who Gale is. We will tell them soon, when they are older. At the moment though it is just to hard to dwell upon. The names of our children represent us. I named the girl, Willow, because i wanted something to remember Prim and Rue by. The word Willow is used in the lullaby i used to sing to Prim when she was ill and the lullaby that i used to sing Rue to sleep in her last few minutes of life.
Deep in the meadow, under the Willow,
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow,
Lay down your head and closes your sleepy eyes,
And when they then open again, the sun will rise.

These lyrics have so many memories linked to them that it felt right naming my child after them. Like by naming her Willow i have still got a piece of my sister and best friend linked with me.

Peeta named the boy, Rye, because he was a baker when he was younger. I told him that if we had a boy he could name it, he must have remembered the time when i said i liked the name Ryan, Rye was a substitute for that, i guess. We have come this far and really, life is okay.

The cameras have more or less gone only coming back for the occasional interview, asking only how our marriage is going and how the kids are, but, of course they ask how i'm holding up. They need to know how their mockingjay is doing, don't they. I'm not really the mockingjay anymore i'm just something to remember the rebellion by, i suppose.

Annie Odair lives next to us as we are the closest to friends she has got. Her son, Finnick who she named after her husband who died in the rebellion, died a couple of months back from Pneumonia. We are all she has left.

I have not heard from Gale since mine and Peeta's marriage. Just after the war finished and he moved to district 2 i used to hear from him regularly. But now he never phones and doesn't pick up when i call. I think he is either jealous or annoyed with me, i think he thought i would chose him. He didn't come to my wedding, of course, but they televised it throughout the whole of Panem he couldn't have missed it. So some friend he is. But i'm trying to forget about Gale as it's Peeta I love, not him.

Haymitch loves the children and he is round as often as he can to play with them. They have brought peace to him after all these years of sorrow. Haymitch no longer sleeps with a knife to keep him safe. He has stopped drinking, i don't think he enjoys this, but he has stopped for the sake of Willow and Rye. Of course he has the occasional drink but only ever at special occasions like christmas, new years and birthdays. Haymitch's life is defiantly getting better. 

Effie and Haymitch got together after they realised how much they have in commen. They are currently expecting and i could not be happier for them. Effie no longer wears all of those silly wigs and clothes, it turns out that Effie's hair is actually a bleach blond, it suites her. They both live in the house next to us in district 12. We have the best neighbours, don't we. Annie, then me, peeta, willow and rye, and then Haymitch and Effie. One big happy family, i guess.

But that was then and this is now. Things aren't that good anymore. So here we go...

Hey guys
I wrote this story agesssss ago and i had it published on my old account but then deleated it. So i thought i would post it on this.
Sorry for grammer and spelling mistakes, as i said i wrote this about two years ago and i am dyslexic.
I hope you enjoy the next chapter will be up shortly.
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Word count: 893
'Fire in my bones'
-Caitlin x

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