Chapter 6: The Family Reunion

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Things were still a little awkward, the couple days after our deal to bring no more hookers into my apartment, but it eventually went away, and Jared was back to coaching me on how to act "sexy".

In fact, this friday, I had a date with Mr.Cowboy!

It was Wednesday, and I was still thinkin about it, when Jared came in the room with an annoyed expression on his face. When he saw me sitting on the couch, he turned away, and changed his path to the kitchen.

"..What?" I asked warily.

"Nothing," he said, but I could tell he was lying. I got up, and walked over to him, but he avoided me.

"OKay, dude, spit it out. What'd you do, kill someone's dog?" I asked him, setting my hands on my waist. He chuckled, and then glanced at me.

"My brothers are coming to visit." he replied, and I paused.

"So? What's the big...." I trailed off when he looked at me apologetically. ", in, my apartment here. Oh God." I said, and sighed. "So when you say brothers, you mean...?"

"I have three." he stated simply.

"Three?? I'm gonna have four annoying guys stuck in my apartment long?"

"It'll only be four days, and our apartment." he corrected me. "They're coming tomorrow.." I sighed again. I wanted to say no, but I couldn't really. I mean, technically, it WAS his apartment too.

"Okay, but no parties, no hookups, no hook-ERS, and no drunkenness. Got it?" I told him, and he nodded his head.

"Trust me, I don't want them here any more than you do."

"What are their names even?" I asked.

"Uh, Cody, Adam, and Josh." He said, and I flopped down on the couch opposite him. Great. This was going to be a long week.

 Jared's brothers were all very different and yet the same. They came in, in a cloud of testosterone, and for a minute, I feared for my life...or maybe that was just my virginity...

"Red! Ay, Man, It's been ages!"

"Dude! Are you growin' a fuckin' beard!?"

"Hey man, who's the hot chick...?"

My cheeks blazed at the last comment, which came from the one with the lightest hair.

"Jesus, you guys, chill out." Jared said, but wrapped his arm around the shortest one's neck (who wasn't that short), and gave him a noggie. I stood slightly off to the side, wanting to go crawl away somewhere in hopes of keeping my sanity, but Jared foiled my plans by calling me to attention to introduce me to his brothers.

"This is Sam," he told them, waving his hand towards me. The one that had made the "hot chick" comment looked me up and down and let out a low whistle, which earned him a smack to the head.

"Dumbass number one, is Josh." he told me, gesturing towards the pervert. "Dumbass number two," he said, and tightened his hold around, who I was guessing was the youngest's, neck, "Is Cody."

"And I'm Adam." Said the older looking one, extending his hand towards me, and giving me a warm smile. I was expecting a shake, but he took my hand gently, and raised it to his lips, giving me a light kiss, and gazing down at me...hungrily.

Now, I wasn't sure who to be more afraid of. I managed to let out a squeak as a greeting, and he chuckled, his very similar to Jared's. I noticed Jared glaring at him.

"OKay, guys, you can put your stuff in my room. Get!" he grumbled, letting go of Cody, and then taking a step towards me.

"Are all of you guys going to sleep in that little room?" I asked him skeptically, setting my hand on my hip. He just smirked.

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