I Go to Psycho Camp

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Ok. This is the last chapter I have ready. It might be a while until the next chapter comes out.

Alya came up to me but I backed away. "Girl, please listen to me. You are part god. You will be in danger f-"

I interrupted her. "Part god?"

She nodded. "Greek god. That's why you only have a dad-your mom's on Olympus. You are dyslexic because your brains hard wired for Greek. ADHD helps you outrun and fight monsters like Chloe. You even have a scent-that tells all of the monsters that you are a Demigod. And a strong one too."

I shook my head, confused. "But who's my mom?"

She smiled. "You'll find out in Camp Half Blood. Let's go!"

I was curious. If this really was happening, what was she? "Are you a demigod?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "I'm a satyr. Half human half goat. Descendant of Pan."

"But don't satyrs have furry legs?" I countered.

She nodded and kicked off her shoes to reveal hooves.

I stared for a while. Then I fainted.


I woke up to two pairs of dazzling green eyes staring at me. I yelped and sat up.

Adrien and some dude with dark brown hair were wearing matching orange shirts with the words 'Camp Half-Blood' on them.

The brunette guy smiled. "Hi. I'm Percy Jackson and this is Camp Half Blood." He gestured around him.

I gazed in awe at the sight. A lake was far away from here, and a big house was to my right. A field of strawberries was in front of me and kids were picking the bright red fruit from the branches.

To my left, there was a fun looking climbing wall with kids climbing on it- AND LAVA????? "WHY IS THERE LAVA ON THE CLIMBING WALL?" I yelled.

Percy chuckled. "Oh don't worry, it's safe. It just provides a challenge."

I saw a burnt kid fall 50 feet to the ground. These people are crazy!

A sword fighting area was next to that along with a bow and arrow area. Stables were in the distance with kids riding WINGED HORSES?

To my far right, there were lots of cabins in horseshoe formation. I noticed that each cabin had a name on it. Demeter, Aphrodite, Persephone, Athena... Those are Greek gods! I frantically thought.

Right then a crowd of tough looking people walked towards me. Every head in the camp turned to look.

A big guy with arms the size of small dogs threw a sword at me.

My reflexes took control. My yo yo appeared out of nowhere, crashing into the sword and coming right back to my hand. I swung it towards him and it threw him backwards.

Adrien ran up to me, right as a light engulfed both of us.

On top of his head blazed a hot pink mirror hologram looking thing. "Aphrodite." Some kids muttered.

But that was nothing compared to the whispers at my sign. It was a red four leaf clover.

"Tyche. The goddess of luck." Percy and some other blonde girl whispered.

"You are the first yet." The blonde girl, Annabeth told me. "You get a cabin to yourself! Have fun..." She looked weirdly scared.

I looked down at Adrien and  my outfits. Adrien was wearing a back skin tight cat suit complete with a bell and a pair of ears. His tail was leather.

I was wearing a red and black polka dotted, skin tight suit that covered everything up to my face, where there was a mask.

I put my yo yo away and my outfit disappeared. Weird.

A bell rang, and the kids trudged towards a pavilion dining hall.

I sat at a table awkwardly by myself, until Alya came and sat by me. Kids kept stealing glances at me, Adriens more worried than most.

I was told that Aphrodite, Adriens mom, was the goddess of beauty, which made sense, considering his modeling career and his dad.

But a daughter of Tyche... Now that was something.

The drone of talking filled the room, until a fun looking curly red haired girl ran into the room, right up to me.

A stream of smoke suddenly billowed out of her mouth, and her eyes darkened. Snakes of smoke curled around the floor. Her voice was old and scratchy- basically parchment made into sound.

She said, "

Daughter of fortune
You are chosen
To fight the leader
Of the frozen

The smoke receded and the redhead drearily walked away.

Mr. Brunner stood up and wal- MR. BRUNNER! WALKING?

He had horse legs!!!! What even.

He said, "You may pick three campers and two satyrs to help you on your quest. Who do you pick?"

I started. "W-when do I leave?"

He grimaced. "Immediately."

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