Finding the Frozen Part 3

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Hey guys. I know Paris isn't on the European coast like Apollo said, but just ignore it. This whole fanfic was impromptu.

I woke with a start. I wasn't tired at all! No stress, no bags under my eyes- for the first time in days.

I sighed in contentment.

My cheeks reddened as I remembered what happened last night.

I just can't believe I did that. How can I ever face him again?

I heard a soft groan from the other side of the small room. I looked over and yelped. Adrien was RIGHT THERE!

He sat up, yawning.

"Wha- Oh hey Marinette."

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?" I whisper yelled.

He looked around, surprised. "I don't know..."

"Guys, wake up! We're in France!" Percy yelled from above deck.

Adrien and I shared a look. Back home.

We stepped out onto the deck of the boat. Alya and Nino were already waiting for us.

Calypso gave us a small wave.

"We'll be waiting here for when you get back. But, if you take more then 2 days we're coming after you." Said Leo.

I nodded.

Percy and Annabeth led us back down the rope ladder.

Straight into the Seine (river in Paris).

I emerged, trembling with cold and gasping for breath. Adrien came up right next to me. He grabbed my shoulder and together we swam towards shore. Percy and Annabeth, dry and happy, were waiting for us.

"H-how are you dudes dry?" Nino yelled from behind us. He and Alya stood together.

Percy grinned, eyes twinkling. "Son of the sea God, remember?"

With a wave of his hand he dried us off. I sighed in relief. Warm again.

"Now to find The Frozen." Alya said.

We roamed the city, looking for any suspicious behavior when-

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELP!!" A civilian called.

A woman dressed in a gold and purple skintight suit and a butterfly shaped mask on her face jumped up.

"I am The Weaver! Bow down to me!" She yelled.

She was pointing a knitting needle at people that turned them into a tapestry.

I immediately got out my yo yo, and after a bright light, was in that polka dotted suit again. I felt more agile and confident than ever.

I jumped up, throwing my yo yo at her, but she caught it and slung it into the Seine.

I was now unarmed.

But then Adrien, in his cat costume, was up against her.

I was getting ready to dive into the river when a sphere of floating water, holding the yo yo, dropped the weapon into my hands.

Percy saluted to me. I smiled.

The entire river then went above the villain. She screamed and tried to run away, but I had wrapped my yo yo around her. She couldn't move. I noticed that she was wearing a belt. I ripped it off and a purple butterfly tried to escape.

Instincts took over. I slid my finger across my yo yo and it opened up. I captured the akuma (She somehow just knew the name, if that makes sense). My yo yo closed on it, and when I opened it again, it was pure white.

"Bye bye, little butterfly." I whispered.

Annabeth leapt up. "I BET IT'LL LEAD US TO THE FROZEN! LET'S FOLLOW IT!" She yelled, chasing  ;3 after it. We followed suit.

Adrien and I were still in the costumes when we got to an old warehouse. He said, "That was rather claw-ver, Annabeth."

We all looked at him. Did he just make a cat pun? I thought.

Annabeth grinned. She wasn't gonna lose this. "I know. It just came to mew and I was like 'That's purrfect!'"

The rest of us shared annoyed glances.

Alya spoke first. "Are we gonna go in or not?"

We all lined up, ready for anything.

Adrien pushed to door open.

A man stood there, grinning evilly. "Just in time." He said, right as four akumas flew right onto our friends.

Adrien and I looked on in horror. It was us against our friends.

So if you don't understand what happened, let me explain. They found Hawkmoths warehouse, broke inside, and he possessed Nino, Alya, Percy, and Annabeth with akumas so now they're evil.

 They found Hawkmoths warehouse, broke inside, and he possessed Nino, Alya, Percy, and Annabeth with akumas so now they're evil

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I'm almost finished with this fanfic, just so you know.

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