We Leave for A Quest

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Adrien, Percy, Annabeth, Alya, Nino and I all packed a backpack. We were in a grim mood, and trudged towards the oak tree at the front of Camp.

So the camp itself was crazy and dangerous, but it did have a sort of home-ish appeal to it. I would almost miss it, in all of it's homicidal glory.

Percy spoke up. "Hey, so where should we go fir-"

"WHO TOOK THEM?" A gigantic, red guy with dark sunglasses screamed. He jumped to the ground, knocking us back.

Annabeth whispered in fear, "Mars."

I was confused. Wasn't Mars Roman?

Mars winced and yelled in pain, and then he was slightly friendlier looking, but still had the air of a rabid Rottweiler.


The pure force of his words made us scramble backwards.

"Uh, sir, we don't know..." Said Adrien.

Apparently that was the wrong thing to say.

Ares took us in his massive hand and after a flash of golden light, we were in "Olympus." Breathed Percy. "Man, Wise Girl, you did a great job with this place."

She glared at him. "Were you expecting worse, Seaweed Brain?"

He immediately apologized.

Adrien and I shared a glance and laughed heartily.


Alya seemed to be thinking the same thing as me and we shared a "YES GURL" glance.

Nino just shook his head, chuckling.

Of course, this made Ar-no, Mars again- madder and he squeezed us so hard my ribs ached.

We gasped for breath when he released us, panting for a good five minutes.

He then shoved us into a ballroom looking thing, with a set of gigantic thrones at the end. In the very middle sat a bold looking man with a crisp pinstripe suit and short cropped gray hair. He seemed around 45. Next to him was a smirking woman with brown curly hair and a long dress. She looked around 30.

"Hera, I see you've changed your look." Percy said to the bratty looking woman.

If that's Hera, I guess that man is Zeus.

Next to them stood a man with Percy's green eyes, a Hollywood tan, and a Hawaiian shirt and khakis.

"Hey Dad." Percy spoke again.

There was a woman that basically looked like Annabeth except her hair was a brownish black... Must be Athena.

An old lady that had flowers in her hair- Demeter.

An assortment of other gods stood around.

It was Poseidon who spoke first. "Ares, I would appreciate it if you put my son and his companions down."

"I don't see why I should." Ares sneered.

Zeus boomed "Put them down!"

Ares quickly threw us down, but luckily I landed on my feet.

Athena looked at me critically. "A daughter of Tyche. Very interesting." She mused.

A man that looked like a hyper surfer dude walked up. "HEYYY PROPHECY PEOPLE!!! I have a haiku to aid you in your quest." Percy and Annabeth shared a 'here we go' look as they prepared.

"The sun doesn't reach
To the European coast
Sometimes it is even cold."

"That's 7 syllables on the last line, Apollo." Demeter corrected.

But that wasn't all I was thinking about. That must mean that THE EUROPEAN COAST IS WHERE 'THE FROZEN' IS!!!!

And that is how it started.

Now, this isn't some story of a field trip with gods. This will be bloody. It won't be pretty at all. And if you even feel a flicker of recognition at these words, then 'be ready' is all I can say.

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