Finding the Frozen part 2

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Idk how many parts there will be... Probably 3 or 4...

Nino snuck up behind Alya. Alya was still looking at Rainbow in doubt and worry. I saw what he was doing and tried to save Alya, but it was too late. Nino pushed her into the cold water. Alya screamed, clutching her glasses as Adrien and I shared a wince.

By now, I was over fangirling over small little Adrien things like that, but was still very glad the interaction was happening.

Alya sputtered out water and dragged herself onto Rainbow. The beast surged forwards, leading the other two- I think it was Hippocampus- out into the water. One held Percy and Annabeth who were laughing at all of the drama that took place, and the other held Nino and Adrien.

We soon saw a wooden ship in the distance. Or, rather, a- oh my gods that is a FRIckIng FLyiNg WoOdeN SHiP WHaT is HappeNiNg
I pondered in shock.

Percy and Annabeth looked on the verge of tears.

"LEO!" "VALDEZ!" They simultaneously screamed in joy.

A boy with dark, tousled hair looked over the side of the ship. "Percy??? Annabeth??? ITS YOU!" He yelled happily.

The mysterious boy threw a rope ladder down so that we could climb up. The four of us- Alya, Nino, Adrien, and I were very confused as to what the actual heck was happening.

Percy gestured for us to climb up.  We did so, waving goodbye to the hippocampuses as they swam off. Percy introduced us to the boy.

"Leo, this is Marinette Agreste-No, sorry, Cheng. That is Nino Desmo, that is Alya Chevre, and Adrien Agreste. You all, this is Leo Valdez, the best mechanic in the business."

The boy- Leo- shrugged at the compliment awkwardly.

Leo looked behind him. "Calypso, you can come say hi!" He called down.

Percy's eyes widened.

A pretty girl gracefully walked over from the downstairs. "H-hi. I'm Calypso." She said. Her voice was beautiful and smooth, and somehow reminded me of almonds.

Leo suddenly asked, "So where are you gonna go?"

We shared a glance. Adrien spoke first. "Have you ever heard of the frozen?"

Calypso gasped. "Those-those pigs! They make people evil! With these sort of butterfly things!"

I was confused. Majorly. We all shared a look,

"They live in Paris, France." She added.

Leo shrugged. "Well let's go! We haven't been to Paris in at least 3 months." He said sarcastically.

"Well anyways go ahead and find a cabin to sleep in." He remarked.

Annabeth and I walked downstairs, looking for the rooms. I picked one and Annabeth smiled softly. "That one was Piper's."

She them pointed to all of them and told me who slept where. She told me of all of the nights she and Percy snuck off, avoiding Coach Hedge, and slept together in the stables. I smiled. She had this happy look in her eyes.

"Those were the glory days, Marinette." She said wistfully.

"Anyways, I'm going to go find my baseball cap." And she left to go into her room.

Time Skip Cause I Can

I looked at the ceiling, wishing I could sleep. I checked the time. 3:24 AM. I rolled over, annoyed. I was tired, but I just couldn't sleep.


I decided to go get a glass of milk. I trudged through the ship until I finally found the kitchen. I got myself a glass and sat down on the couch. That particular section of the couch was very warm and squishy.


He muttered an, "Oof! Sorry." And I frantically said apologies.

After that was done, we started talking.

He looked into my eyes. "So why you up?"

"Couldn't sleep."

"Me either. This demigod stuff stresses me out."

I nodded drearily. "Yeah. Sometimes I just wish I lived a normal life, where I just had a nice family that cared for me and was easy to talk to... But, I guess this is what I got."

Adrien surprised me by scooting closer on the couch.

"Me too. My dad never really took time to see me or talk to me. He just gave me to Nathalie and that's how my life went."

I was glad we had this talk. I felt a lot... Closer to Adrien. As a friend.

My eyelids dropped and I fell asleep, my head on Adrien's shoulder.

Leo stood in the doorway unnoticed, thinking about how the Argo II had worked it's magic again.

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