Holy Uprise

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Nakashima's P.O.V:

"Saiko!!" I yelled. Everyone turned to me and stared as I kept yelling "Get down from there! We don't have time to-..!!" I was suddenly cut off by a sudden object that rose my cheek. My eyes widen immediately.

Saiko jumped from the building and landed hard on the ground, even breaking it. She stood up without raising her head to face us.

"I am sick of you Nakashima! Why are you still here? Why haven't you got home already!? I can't stand you besides me!" she yelled, raising her head, hair covering her right eye while they were glowing an intense red "I hate you! Stay away from me! Go home where you belong!"

My heart broke. My vision was getting blurry. Why was she saying this things? This is not her, all those moments we spent together were...lies? Pity? Before I knew it, streams of tears poured down my face. It hurt so much. Kurosaki tried to comfort me but it didn't help at all

"Why are you doing this?! She doesn't deserve it!" Zen yelled at her "I thought you were good!"

As I looked up from clearing my tears away, I saw Saiko charge at Zen with an unbelievable speed and brought him to the ground hard. Crowds of people were forming around us, whispering and gasping as they watched.

"Do you want to die this instant!? I'm not doing this because I want to! It's for her own safety!" she yelled and I could see her tears falling in Zen's face. She then turned her head towards me. "From all the people you could've chose. From all the danger you could keep away from. Why me?" her voice shaky, deep but still meaningful.

"Saiko..." I simply said.

"Just please stay away..." she then stood up and ran off.

"Hey, wait!!" yelled Zen as he stood up too and tried to catch up to her.

I only stood there, the crowd around me stared at me like waiting for a next move or something. Tears started falling again. Not because of sadness, but joy. I walked off, away from the crowd with a smile. Saiko didn't hate me, she just wants my well being, she knows the dangers we could face if her father knows about me. Yes, her father is Lucifer, Satan, whatever you wanna call him, but she is not like him. She is not like him at all.

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