Chapter 1 [Harry]

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I woke up with my head pounding and my vision blurry. I got up and turned to my side. Beside me, Emma was still fast asleep. Her blonde hair covering her face, and a blanket covering her body.

Emma's a friend of mine. Actually, we're more on friends with benefits. We met when we were filming "Gotta Be You". We hooked up, her boyfriend left her. Now, we're screwing around when we feel like it.

Last night, we went to Funky Buddha since it was our friend, Danielle's, 26th Birthday. I know she and Liam have broken up, but we're all still good friends. I brought Emma along with me, we both got drunk then we screwed in my flat.

The sound of my phone ringing was loud enough to make me flinch. Wow, I must be really hungover then. I grabbed my phone to answer whoever flucktard would call at this time in the morning.

"Hello?", I called. "WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?!", Liam's authorative voice boomed like 10 megaphones. "My flat," I answered.

"Why are you still there?", he asked. "THE MEETING'S ABOUT TO BEGIN!" No way! It's so early.

"Meeting's not till 1," I pointed out. "Not till 1?", Liam repeated. "IT'S 1:30 already, Harry! You got too drunk from Dani's party last night!" Oh, crap.

My eyes widened and even though my head hurt so bad, I really needed to go. Simon called us in for a very important meeting that might actually change our lives forever.

"Stall them," I said. "I'll be there in 10 minutes." As I got up from bed, I heard Emma yawn.

"Where are you going?", she asked."Meeting," I answered. "I'm late. I gotta go." She nodded as I ran to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower then ran out to grab clothes and my car keys. I put on a beanie to cover my hair and shades to cover my eyes. I dashed out of my flat to my car then drove to Syco.

5 minutes later, the Syco building was visible so I parked my car and ran. The receptionist didn't bother ask for my name. I just ran to Simon's office and when I got there, I was greeted by a quiet Simon, sober Liam and hungover lads.

"45 minutes late," Liam said coldly. "I'm here now," I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, but we would've started earlier if you didn't do so much fu---" Liam was cut off by Simon.

"Enough, Liam," he said. "Arguing will lead us nowhere. I came here to talk to you all about something important. I'll need your full attention."

The lads and I moved closer 'cause every time he says he needs to tell us something important, it really is. And it's usually a great oppurtunity.

"Do you all know who Ted Browning is?", Simon asked. It rings a bell but I couldn't really recall. There was a long pause, no answer. "No?", Simon noticed. We all nodded. "That's surprising."

"Ted Browning," Simon started. "is one of the world's best music producers. He was an apprentice of mine. I was his mentor back when Brown Records was just starting."

"Brown Records?", Zayn repeated. "The one that handles Hollywood's hottest musicians this time?" Simon nodded. "Well, since you don't know much about Ted," Simon added. "Perhaps you know his daughter, Hallie Browning,"

"THE Hallie Browning?", Niall asked. "Yes, Niall," Simon affirmed. "Celebrated Academy Award Actress, Hallie Browning, is his daughter."

"So," Liam said. "What about Ted Browning is so important?" Simon smirked. "Syco and Brown Records have decided to partner up," he said.

"I think it would also be good if you would reach out to your American fans so more," he added. "So..."

"So??", the lads and I responded. "I'm sending you all to Los Angeles for the summer. With the help of Ted and his family, we're expanding your career and giving you more exposure." The lads and I nodded.

"You leave with Paul and Susan 1st thing tomorrow," he concluded. "Meeting's over."

The meeting finished so the lads and I head to Nando's. I ate a lot since I wasn't able to. We were just talking about the Los Angeles trip till Liam decided to change the topic.

"Why were you late?", Liam asked. "Oh!", Louis butted in. "He and Emma got really drunk last night so Harry let her hit the pedal, heavy metal to show him she cares." He winked. Niall and Zayn snickered.

"That's very wrong, Harry," Liam said. "You don't even have feelings for her!" I rolled my eyes. I hate it when Liam brings this up. "I don't," I confirmed. "So what? She's good in bed."

"Drop it, Liam," Louis sighed. "It's Harry's habit. He likes his life just the way it is."

In our circle, only Liam and Loui seem to disapprove my way of life. Niall and Zayn already gave up on me. But Louis and Liam hope that someday, I would meet a girl and I would settle down.

Too bad, not gonna happen. The thought of committing yourself to only one person scares me. I'm 20 years old. I have an amazing career. I still have a lot to see.

"Food's here," Niall said to change the topic once again. "Let's eat."

The lads and I spent the rest of the time, eatimg then going home to pack for LA.

// Hey guys! So there's Chapter 1 of MTF. I hope you all liked it, and it's been a while. I'm glad to be back!

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Lots of Love, Gale :) xo

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