Chapter 6 [Harry]

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// Summer's twitter icon >>>


Summer Browning @SummerBrownie

821 TWEETS   |  77 FOLLOWING   |  541, 728 FOLLOWERS

I smiled and clicked the Follow button. Her twitter icon is a photo of herself in what looks like their backyard. Her smile is cute and well, it was a nice photo.

She barely tweets. She doesn't tweet-tweet. She just retweets what other people's posts and the last time she did that was 2 weeks ago.

She's got over 500, 000 followers because, you know, she's famous. She's got a famous family. Of course people all over the world know her.

She's gorgeous. I would personally congratulate Ted and Mable since they've done a good job at raising someone like her. She may not do much but I think she's got the face of a Hollywood kid.


I snapped out of my trance, only to realize that the lads were surrounding me. Liam looked irritated while the others seemed annoyed.

"Yeah?" I asked. "Were you paying attention to anything that I've been saying?" Liam asked. "Because it seems to me, that you are far more interested in your iPhone than your career."

"I was listening!" I protested. "I could repeat every word you said backwards!" Big mistake for saying that. Liam smirked. "Really?" Liam said. "Care to repeat then?"

I thought of what's been going on the whole day. Liam usually reflects on what happened throughout the day so I bet he just did that. All I need to do is talk about the significant events today.

"We met up with Ted Browning," I said. "Then we met Hallie and Summer. Ted appointed Hallie as music video director and she is to collaborate with us on what to do with 'Best Song Ever'."

The lads started laughing and I swear it seems like there was smoke coming out of Liam's ears. Ha, ha. I guess he wasn't reflecting yet. He was talking about something else.

"Bloody hell, Harry!" Liam growled. "What is in your phone that made you so inattentive?" He quickly grabbed it from my hand. That's when I realized, I haven't exited Summer's twitter page yet.

I ran for my phone but Liam was quicker and the lads immediately huddled around my phone. Oh, crap. I've got to hold on for dear love now. How would they react if they found out about my interest in Summer?

There was a slight pause then Zayn and Niall burst out laughing. I felt my face go red. I was caught in act. I mean, Summer seems openly hostile to me. She doesn't talk to me and she can't even look me in the eye.

"Summer Browning," Niall laughed. "Nice choice, Harry. A little strange since I was expecting that if you were to hook up with any of the Browning sisters, it'd be Hallie."

"Yeah," Zayn agreed. "I mean you always go for the older and hotter one. Isn't that a more suitable description of Hallie? She's older and she's Ms. Hollywood?"

As much as I hate to admit it, I knew they were right. I always went for the hot and mature ones. I don't know  even why I feel so drawn to Summer. I don't get why I wanna get to know her and be her friend.

Maybe it was because she's one of the first girls who choose to avoid me rather than throw her underwear on my face. I even had to introduce myself in Luz's party since she didn't recognize me right away.

I don't know why I get these weird emotions toward her. I want to be her friend and all. This is so new to me since I usually notice the who ones who are all over me.

She's different and it's quite peculiar that I feel drawn to her and somehow, I can't stop thinking about her. Well, I guess that's what led me to looking at her twitter account in the first place.

"EARTH TO HARRY!" Zayn yelled. "Eh?" I said. He smirked. "He's got the SUMMER love syndrome!" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, why her?"

"I don't know either," I answer Zayn. "There's something about her. She's not like most of the people I meet. She's not like most of the girls I hook up with." Niall and Zayn nodded.

"Yeah," Niall butted in. "Most of the girls you hook up with are party animals, they're hot and have a face full of make up, they're in showbiz and they've got huge bosoms and all."

"Summer's different," he added. "She's quiet. She seems hard to approach, she'd rather stay home rather than party and she's absolutely not the kind of girl I thought you'd end up being interested in."

"But," Zayn said. "You could be friends with her. Just because you guys are different that doesn't mean friendship's not allowed." I chuckled. "That's what I was planning to do," I said. "Summer and I be friends."

"Well," Zayn beamed. "That's great. Do something about it then. Ask her to hang out, watch a movie, go take her to some party, whatever." bless Zayn and Niall for these stuff.

So I have to make an effort to be Summer's friend and who knows, maybe we have something in common. There's always something. She's hard to break. She's the ice queen. She takes time to melt,

And the more we become friends then maybe, I'll learn more about her. I'm sure there's more to her than just being a Browning.

"Hey," Niall turned to Liam and Louis. "You guys alright? You guys didn't speak as we discussed our Harry-Summer operation." Louis was the one who spoke first.

"I don't think Harry should do that," he said. WHAT? From all the people, my Best Friend would be the unsupportive one. Wow, heartbreaking. "Why not?" I asked.

"Harry, I thought we discussed on what the Browning family's capable of," Liam said. "You shouldn't mess with any of them, even Summer."

"Ted Browning has enough influence to kick us out of the industry," he added. "Who knows he could actually throw us at Mars if you end up breaking Summer's heart."

So he thinks I'm gonna break Summer's heart. Didn't I just say that I just wanna be friends with Summer? Like I said before, relationships aren't my thing. I can't stay with one person for too long. Just friends. Nothing else.

"I'm not gonna pursue Summer," I defended myself. Liam and Louis' face somehow softened. "I just wanna be her friend. There's no harm to that. Ted won't kill us."

"Alright," Liam sighed in relief. "Just don't screw up."

Yes! The Brownings won't eat us alive since I just wanna be friends with Summer, nothing else. Yeah, I better start on my Operation Be-Her-Friend.

Yeah, I should do that.

// Hey guys! Sorry for updating just now and you know, this chapter kinda sucks. Forgive me? I love you all.

- Gale :) xo

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