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Maya's Pov

I'm sitting in my room at the desk and I'm having so much trouble with this homework.

But slowly I'm starting to understand it, sometimes I'll have to look it up but you know it kinda helps me to learn.

But at the same time right now I'm so tired and I just wanna curl up and sleep.

That was until Austin was so kinda a brought me a Caramel frappe with extra caramel.

Then I was wide awake and Austin said he had some kind of surprise for me tomorrow.

I didn't bother him with it anymore because I knew he wouldn't tell me anything more.

Before I knew it  I was sound asleep and I felt someone carrying me to bed so I assumed it was Austin.

4 Am

I felt someone shaking me.

"Come on Maya we got to get up, we have to go or you'll be late" Sara said.

"Okay okay I'm up" I said getting out of bed.

"Okay now go out this on" Maddie said handing me some black sweats and a grey t-shirt.

After I put it on, Maddie takes me to Austin's truck and put some luggage in the back trunk.

Why the fuck did they put luggage in the back?

Then Maddie came to the door and I rolled down the window.

"So I can't tell you where your going but I packed you a week over night bag, And I put some condoms and some sexy night stuff" she said smirking.

"Omg eww gross I know were dating but please tell me that's not all you put in there for my night stuff?" I said

"Umm no but you'll be fine, and make sure to get laid you really need it!" Maddie said but whispered the last part.

"Omg shut up I do not!" I said

Then Austin got into the truck and Maddie said goodbye and Sarah tried to but I was kinda salty so I ignored her.

Once we got to our destination, I looked up and saw it was an airport but I wasn't going to ask.

We got inside and he got me a coffee from Starbucks because he knew I was tired.

we sat there for awhile so I Laid on him and he put a blanket over me while I slowly started falling asleep.

Then Austin woke me up telling me that we needed to go to our flight and wouldn't tell me where to though.

We got on and I played on my phone awhile and me and Austin talked and we kissed then I fell asleep.

Like many hours later I felt someone shaking me and I was assuming it was Austin.

"Come on baby girl it's time to get up where here" he whispered into my ear.

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