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Jake's PoV:

We stand outside Rodgers arena in the car park, our bodies close together as we wait for the coach to pull up to take us the airport. My hand held tightly by Y/N as the wind and the rain hit down on us hard, her shoulder pushed against mine as he leans her head against me. It is like this every time it comes to a road trip out of Vancouver, Y/N will always come to see me off and I love her for that, she braves the cold and rain just to make sure I get on the bus safely. She is the best person and the greatest girlfriend I could ever ask for.

"How long are you going to be away for this time?" Y/N asked leaning her body into mine to kept herself warm, her eyes looking up at me and I smiled when I caught her gaze.

"Just four days, I'll be back soon though." I said wrapping an arm over her shoulder, my lips brushing against her forehead as I pulled her closer.

"Four days without you, what could I possibly do?" Y/N exaggerated sarcastically putting her hand on her heart, her laugh making myself chuckle at her weirdness. She may be twenty-one years old, but she has a six year old heart.

"Well for starters you can start on that essay that you've been putting of for weeks." I suggested rubbing my hand up and down her arm, hoping it will warm her up from standing out in the cold for a long time with me.

"Yeah, maybe I'll get that finished since every time I've gone to do it someone distracts me and I never get started." Y/N said poking me in my side which made me squirm slightly.

"Hey, it's not my fault you're easily distracted." I protested raising my hands in a surrendering position.

"I am not, last time you hid my notes because you wanted to watch a movie and didn't want to watch it alone so you hid my notes to stop me from working just so I could watch it with you!" Y/N exclaimed, the rain hitting hard against our faces. I smiled fondly at the memory, but decided to protest against remembering it.

"I did not! You lost your notes and then I miraculously found them in my office." I argued, putting a hand on my hip with a smirk forming on my lips.

"Oh yeah you 'miraculously' found them."

"It's true! I found them in my drawer, which I for one did not put them in there. You must have put them in there and forgot about them."

"It's funny how you knew they were in there because I know for sure that I never went into your office at all that week, so I couldn't have put my notes in there."

"You trying to say I pu-"

"OK you two stop your bickering, the bus is here." Miller said coming over to us. Y/N and I both looked up to him, immediately Y/N's eyes dropped to the ground when the bus pulled into the car park.

"I guess this is it then, I'll see you when you get back." Y/N smiled weakly not looking up as her eyes filled with tears.

"Of course you'll see me when I get back, it's only four days we can do this." I said encouraging Y/N, she looked up her bottom lip quivering.

"I love you." She whispered wrapping her arms around my waist and pulled me into a tight hug, I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my chin against her head.

"I love you too, and besides you'll get your essay finished." I laughed trying to lighten the mood up slightly.

We finally let go of each other and I picked up my rucksack and gear before giving Y/N a quick kiss on her lips, I walked onto the bus and took a seat beside the window my eyes wondering to Y/N as she gave me a wave before heading back to our car.

It's only four days, we can do this.

A/N: I've watched Jake a few times when he played for the Calgary Hitmen and he is the sweetest guy ever! I loved going to the Saddledome and watch him play, so glad he is in the NHL.


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