#126 - Pierre-Luc Dubois - #18 Columbus Blue Jackets

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I sit in Pierre's car, his hand in mine as he drives us to his parents for a family meal together. I bounce my leg in anticipation and my fingers twiddling together, Pierre kept looking at me out of the corner of his eye whenever he pulls up to a red light. I have many thoughts in my mind as he nears his parents house, is my shirt OK? Not too revealing? What if they don't like me? What if his mother doesn't like me? Or his father?

"Babe, can you please stop bouncing your leg? It's making me anxious." Pierre half laughed whenever he pulled up to another red light.

"Do I look alright? I mean is my shirt OK? I'm not showing too much cleavage am I?" I asked worriedly looking up to Pierre with big worried eyes. 

"Of course you do, you look beautiful." Pierre smiled down at me, a chuckle escaping his lips once he finished speaking. 

"But is it revealing? I feel like my boobs are showing." I mumbled looking down to my chest, Pierre laughed at that.

"Y/N, you look fine darling." Pierre said laying a reassuring hand on my thigh, I nodded reluctantly and kept my gaze on the road ahead whenever the lights changed to green. This is the first time I am meeting Pierre's parents and not a day went by did I not think of the worst whenever his mother invited us to have a family meal together. My worst fear is that his family won't like me and believe that I am only with Pierre for the money, which I am mostly definitely not in this relationship for. I love Pierre with all my heart, though I have not told him yet since we only started dating about five months ago. 

"Am I going to have to restrain your leg?" Pierre commented making me come free of my thoughts, I looked down to my legs and noticed that my left leg was bouncing once again.

"Sorry, I'm just worried." I told looking to my hands that rest on my lap, Pierre sighed and reached from my hand while his other hand is firmly on the steering wheel.

"You're going to be fine, nothing to worry about." He said using his thumb to gently run it other the back of my hand to calm me down.

"How can I not worry? I'm meeting the people who brought you into the world, I think being worried in a understatement." I shot back which made Pierre laugh.

"They will love you, everyone loves you." He smiled.

"Including you?" I asked looking to him with hopefully eyes.

"Most definitely." Pierre replied bringing my hand up to his lips and pressed against the back of my hand, it made my heart flutter.

"Well I do love you too." I smiled but soon disappeared when I noticed he stopped outside a house, more importantly his parents house, my smile faltered and my heart began to speed up.

"Hey calm, it's not like they are going to exile you from the house." Pierre chuckled turning the car off, I gave a quick forced smile and got out. I waited for Pierre to walk around the car and he took my hand in his while we walked up to his parents door, he knocked three times before entering into the house.

"We're here." Pierre called out whenever we entered into the house, I stood awkwardly behind Pierre once we had taken our shoes off and walked further into the house. We came into a sitting area and instantly I began to panic a little, Pierre's mother and father sit beside each other watching television. His mother turned around and smiled whenever she saw Pierre and I standing hand in hand in their house.

"Ah so this is Y/N, it's finally nice to meet you since Pierre has not stopped talking about you from the day you two met." His mother told getting up and walked over to us, I looked up to Pierre with a grin on my face and giggled when I saw him blush.

"I hope it has been all good, Mrs. Dubois." I said smiling at his mother who stood before us, she first wrapped her arms around his son and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before coming to me.

"All good, don't worry." She told hugging me as well and kiss my cheek too. 

"Eric, come and meet Y/N." Pierre's mother said tapping Pierre's father's shoulder, he stood up and walked over to us with a smile on his face. 

"Mr. Dubois, pleasure to meet you." I smiled whenever his father neared us, I stuck my hand out from his to shake but he went in for the hug. 

"Finally nice to meet you Y/N, this one never shuts up about the girl of his dreams." His father laughed nudging Pierre who's face is brighter than a tomato now.

"Is that Pierre with his girlfriend?" A voice shouted from the top of the stairs and soon came the sound of feet running down the stairs, and in ran a girl with long brown hair. She smiled and instantly grabbed me into a tight hug, I was shocked at first but gave her a hug back when I remembered it is Pierre's sister.

"So nice to meet you Y/N, I'm Daphne but I'm sure you didn't know that unlike us who know your entire life story because of him." His sister said whenever she let go of me and looked to Pierre, he stood awkwardly between his parents. 

"Oh don't worry, he talks about you guys a lot too." I smiled in Pierre's direction, he smiled back at me and winked which made me blush and look to my shoes. 

"Right well dinner is just warming up in the oven, if you would like to make your way to the dinning table I'll get it sorted out." Pierre's mother said before walking off into the kitchen.

_ _ _ _ _ 

Once the night had ended successfully Pierre and I made our way to his car, waving goodbye to his parents and sister before getting into the car. 

"I guess you can all tonight a success." Pierre grinned whenever the doors closed. 

"Yeah, I guess you can." I smiled looking to him with a cheeky smile on my lips.

"And see, there was nothing to worry about as my family loves you." He told turning the car on, I slid down into the seat and put my belt on.

"No thanks to you that is, do you really talk a lot about me to them?" I asked blushing slightly at the thought of him talking about me to his parents.

"Uh yes, I do." Pierre said softly looking to the wheel with his cheeks turning bright red. 

"Well just a heads up when you meet my parents, I talk about you to them a lot as well." I laughed taking the hand Pierre had placed on my thigh. It was silent for a while before Pierre spoke up.

"I love you Y/N and I'm glad my family was able to meet you." Pierre smiled once he pulled up to a red light, hearing him say that made my heart beat a little fast than normal and butterflies flew around in my stomach.

"I love you too Pierre." I told leaning to the side and placed a quick kiss on his cheek before sitting back in the seat again, Pierre had a smile on his face the rest of the night and so did I. 

A/N: My endings are getting worse and these are getting super long, I apologize.

Seguin-toews88 I hope this OK and so sorry for the long wait! 

So basically I hope to get a lot of these update before next Wednesday as I begin my final semester of high school! Yay! But this semester I have so many important classes that I am taking that I have no idea if I will get a chance to update frequently, hopefully I do but I apologize for so many updates that may be coming!


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