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I lay wide awake in bed, my hand playing with Jake's hair as he sleeps beside me while my mind is against me sleeping. Everybody has those nights whenever they can't sleep no matter how hard they try. For me those nights always occur whenever something big is happening to the people I care about. And this week so happens to be the week that the NHL draft is being taken place and my worry is for Jake and where he'll be drafted, if he gets drafted but I know he will.

I know that Jake is a spectacular defenceman and will do amazing things to which ever team he is drafted to. The only problem is, what will happen to us whenever he's drafted? It's silly to think of these things now, but when you have been dating someone for so long it does play a factor into the relationship. What happens if he's drafted to a team in America and we'll have to break up because of long distance? I love Jake with all my heart and I can't bear the thought of having to lose him because of hockey.

I am too engrossed in my thoughts and I missed Jake groaning and rolling over to face me, popping one eye open when he looks up at me.

"Hi." He mumbled his words muffled by the sheet.

"Hi." I said back, my fingers twisting in his hair.

"Can't sleep?" Jake asked yawning, his cute nose scrunching up as he yawns and a small smile made its way onto my lips at the sight of him.

"I guess." I shrugged continuing to play with his hair.

"You wanna talk about it?" Jake asked pushing himself up and rested his back against the headboard, his shoulder brushing against mine and he held my hand.

"What are you? My shrink or something?" I half laughed, Jake mocked my laugh and gave my shoulder a slight shove with his hand.

"I'm only trying to be helpful, that's what I'm suppose to do." He told wrapping an arm over my shoulder, I leaned into his body and rested my head against his chest.

"I know and anyways you'd think it's stupid, girl problems." I said lifting Jake's hand and began playing with his fingers, my eyes focusing on our hands.

"Try me." Jake demanded, lacing his fingers with mine.

"It's a girlfriend problem." I shrugged burying my face further down into Jake's chest.

"Y/N." Jake sang poking me in my side, I squirmed under his touch and moved out. I sat facing Jake and crossed my legs, I took a deep breath before I started talking.

"I guess I'm paranoid about the draft coming up on Saturday. I'm worried in case you are drafted to an east coast team and we have to break up because of it, I don't want that to happen to us Jake, I don't want us to break up. I know we're only eighteen and we've got a long way ahead of us but I don't want us to split up and go our separate ways, I want us to stay together because I love you." I admitted tracing circles on Jake's bare knee.

"I feel the same way." Jake said taking my hands into his, his confession made me look up to find him staring down at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"You do?" I asked looking to him with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah, I don't want us to break up because of hockey. I want us stay together, I want us to do everything together and nothing is gonna stop us not even hockey. If I'm drafted to an east coast team then so what, we can make it work. I promise you Y/N, I won't break up with you because of where I am drafted to if I am drafted to any NHL team. I love you far too much to end things." Jake told smiling as he spoke.



A/N: I love going to the Saddledome to watch Jake play, he is seriously such a great player for the Hitmen! And I can't wait to see which team he's drafted too because he is absolutely an amazing defenceman.


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