#156 - Mathew Barzal - #13 New York Islanders

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"Can you take a moment and realize how childish and immature you're being about this?" Mathew called after me as I storm up the stairs to our apartment. I scoffed at his words and continued my anger fueled journey to our flat, I opened the apartment door and went to slam it closed, but Mathew's hand stopped it from closing and he pushed it back open to let himself in while I walked away. I ignored the look I was getting from him and went to walk into our bedroom, but the images of tonight's events kept replaying in my head without an end in sight.

"So you're saying that I should be more accepting of the fact that we just so happened to run into your ex at the birthday party thrown for you?!" I shouted shrugging out of my coat and threw it onto the pegs at the front door. Mathew took his coat off as well and hung it neatly on the pegs, he removed his shoes and came further into the apartment.

"Yes, how was I suppose to know she was coming when it was a fucking surprise party for me?" Mathew snapped back with as much anger as I have in my body. "I didn't exactly know the guest list, did I now?"

"No, you didn't. But that justify the fact that she was all over you tonight like you two were still dating and I was invisible to you." I told folding my arms over my chest and stared at Mathew from the other side of the couch. "It was very embarrassing when your mother asked me where you were and I had to point to you and your ex who was sitting on your lap like it was fucking nothing."

"What was I suppose to do, Y/N? Throw her on the floor, step over her and walk away like nothing happened?" Mathew asked running his hand through his hair in frustration, some hair falling in front of his eyes.

I scoffed at his words. "Yes! That's exactly what you're suppose to do. Well, you could have politely told her that you have another girlfriend, aka me who hasn't seen you all night, and walked away from her like she did when you two broke up." 

Mathew rolled his eyes and spoke. "Dont bring that up! And that's what I tried to do, but she wasn't for moving."

"You should have tried harder, Mathew!" I snapped at his words. "That's not good enough if she was able to hang off your fucking arm all night, while I was alone at my own boyfriends birthday party. Did you even care to think of me once?" I shot back pulling my shoes off and kicked them away from me. I ran my hand through my hair in frustration and groaned into my hands as another argument is in full swing at our house dead into the night.

"Of course I thought of you!" He defended himself and before I could get another word in, Mathew was already shouting again.

"But nothing is ever good enough for you unless it's handed to you on a gold fucking platter." Mathew sneered evilly at me. His words caught me off guard and I looked up at him, his eyes focused on me with such hatred in them and the hatred is directed at me.

"Excuse me, but what the hell are you trying to imply about me?" I asked putting my hands on my hip and awaited Mathew's answer. My glare is as good as his, the two of us not breaking eye contact while we argue from either side of the room.

"I'm saying that you expect everything to be just right for you in life, like the little whore that you are. If I do something wrong that you don't like, it's like world war fucking three begins between us, but it's totally fine for you whenever you do something wrong and I get upset. How selfish can you fucking get?" Mathew continued to shout and rant horrible things at me, my breath catching in my throat as he inched closer to me whenever he shouted words and names at me, that hurt each time they escape his mouth. I felt the tears prick at my eyes and I so desperately tried to blink them away before Mathew caught me, my heart stinging each time he uses words that so simply roll of his tongue without any hesitation.

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