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I watched from my table as he put his arm around her waist, leaning forward and whispered something in her ear to make her laugh. I remember when he use to do that with me when we were together, we'd be sitting on the couch at our old apartment and he would whisper sweet nothings into my ear like there's no tomorrow. Everyone use to say we were the cutest couple they ever met, I though so to. People though we would be together forever, that we would be married in the next few years because of the love we gave each other.

But all those thoughts changed in a heart beat two years ago.

Two Years Ago:

"I'm going to be fine mom, it's just Brooklyn and besides I've John here with me so I'm going to be perfectly safe." I chuckled walking to the large open window in the apartment and smiled at the view in front of me. The view in New York is perfect and where mine and John's apartment is, the view of the tall buildings makes me smile.

"I know sweetie, but you've moved apartments and I can't help but worry." My mom told her voice sounding whiny. "You also need to come back and visit us again, it's been so long and moving so far away you won't be able to see us for a while.

"Mom, I'll be able to visit when I can!" I sighed throwing myself down onto the couch and let out a huff, the feeling of homely makes me grin knowing John and I have finally moved in to our own apartment after being together for three years.

"I know, but I can't help it. I'm a mom, I'm suppose to feel like this when my baby moves away from home!" She laughed making me chuckle as well.

"OK mom, I gotta go. I'll call you soon." I told looking to the clock, it is almost five in the evening and John should be home any minute now after a meeting with his management.

"Fine sweetie, remember to call me!" She shouted like she was ten feet away from me.

"I know mom, bye." I chuckled.

"Bye, honey." She said before the line went dead.

A couple of minutes after my mother's phone call, John walked through the door with his bag over his shoulder and a distraught look on his face. His eyes are red and bloodshot and they darted away as soon as he saw me looking at him with a sincere look on my face.

"Hey, you OK?" I asked setting my phone down and got off the couch, I walked towards him and stood in front of John. I went to place my hand on his shoulder in a comforting gesture, but John turned away from it and stalked off into the kitchen with his head down.

"John, what's wrong?" I said my voice full of concern as I followed him into the kitchen. John faced me now, tears rolling down his face as he looks at me. My heart breaks at the sight of him, but it broke even more with the words he spoke.

"Y/N, I think we should break up." He croaked out with his voice breaking as he spoke, his eyes never daring to look at mine. I stumbled back a bit, my thoughts emptying and my body growing heavy at his words.

"Wait, what?" I asked my breathing picking up as I tried to calm myself down from crying in front of John.

"I think we should break up, we don't love each other like we use too." John told confidently this time, putting a cold hard exterior on and showed no emotion like he did seconds ago.

"Are you saying that you don't love me?" I whispered tears now falling from my eyes. He nodded and moved his eyes to the ground, his head bowing.

"Do you know how much of a dick you are?" I spat slapping his chest with my hand, John didn't say anything as I continued to hit him.

"You've got to be kidding me John! We move into an apartment together and I'm not even here a day and you break up with me?! What the hell John? What the absolute fuck!" I cried letting my emotions take over my body now.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I'm really sorry." John sniveled following me into the bedroom that would have been our room. I ignored him and grabbed a handful of clothes before throwing them into my duffle bag, John watched as I ran around the room and throwing all my belongings back into the bag to leave as soon as I can.

"No, I'm sorry John. I'm sorry that I put my faith and trust into you, and you just threw it all away and for what?" I sneered pushing past John and back into the living room, I grabbed my phone and quickly put my shoes on.

"It's not my choice!" He shouted throwing his hands to the side with tears rolling down his face like mine do as well.

"Then why are you doing this? Because this isn't the John I fell in love with, the John I know would stand up and say no, he wouldn't let someone push him around." I told opening the door and slammed it close not letting him speak before I left. I walked further down the hallway and finally letting my knees sink and I collapsed onto the ground, my sobs echoing through the quiet hallway.

Present day:

I continued to watch, the day he broke up coming to my thoughts and I felt my eyes grow tears at the thought. John looked up from the girl he is talking to and turned around, his eyes landing firmly on my face. His expression softened and he stood up, ignoring the girl who tried to stop him from walking away, he kept coming towards me and I couldn't stand seeing him anymore.

I stood up and grabbed my purse before heading out the door of the bar, leaving John behind as he kept coming towards me. I pulled my coat around myself tighter as the dark clouds rolled over Brooklyn, my eyes focused on the ground in front of me as I kept walking away from that bar where John is.

"Y/N!" John shouted his voice coming from behind me as he pushes through the crows to catch up with me. I kept on walking, ignoring his shouts and I fastened my pace to walk away from him. My heart still loves him even after being split up for two years, we were together for a long time and I grew to love him and I still do love him despite what happened.

"Y/N!" He shouted for me again, he ran in front of me and raised his hands to stop me from walking any further.

"I let you go once, I'm not letting you go again." John told lowering his hands from my shoulders.

"What do you want?" I asked my eyes roaming over his body.

"You Y/N. I want you back in my life again." John said looking at me.

"You had that chance two years ago." I retaliated quickly before I could stop myself from speaking what I thought.

"Two years ago I was an idiot to let you walk away and I still hate myself for it, I curse myself each time I see something we loved doing because I let you walk away from me. After you left I couldn't eat or sleep or even play hockey, all I wanted to do was find you and bring you back because I loved you, but you left New York and I couldn't find you anywhere. You went back home, I tried to find you when I came back for the summer but your mom told me that you were dating someone else so I knew my chances to get you back were gone, I knew you wouldn't want me back after what I did anyways but I held that hope that you would at least considered and loved me back. But when I saw you in there I realized that I never gave up on you, I never gave up on us. I want us back. God Y/N I love you! I still love you and I can't believe you're here in front of me right now, I need you to understand that I love you." Tears streamed down both our faces or was it the rain that started to fall from the dark clouds above? Either way, I know that I am crying at what John confessed to me.

"John, I never stopped loving you." I breathed out looking at him behind my teary eyes.

"I love you so goddamn much, I'm an idiot for letting you go" John said pulling me into a tight hug, the warmth of his body immediately heating mine up as the rain started to beat down heavier against us.

"Can you forgive me? Can we at least try again? I understand if you don't want to." John asked hopefully as pulled me out, but kept his hands on my shoulders.

"Yes, we can try again." I nodded leaning forward and rested my head against his chest.

"I love you Y/N, I never stopped and I never will." John told laying a kiss on my forehead, his kiss spreading like wildfire throughout my body.

"I love you too John."

After that we never split again, we stayed together until the day he asked me to marry him back in our hometown, and of course I said yes.

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